Chapter 11

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Taylor opened her eyes, feeling someone's limbs tangled with her own. At first, confused, she was mildly alarmed, but all of a sudden, the events of the last night came flooding back to her, and she immediately relaxed, remembering who the girl in her arms was. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand to see that it was 8:13. She knew her mom would be knocking on the door any minute now to wake her (and Gabi, she supposed) up.

Taylor debated waking Gabi up or letting her mom do that for her. The girl looked absolutely adorable asleep with her face nuzzled against Taylor's chest, and her arms wrapped around her. Their legs were a tangled mess under the covers.

Deciding that Gabi would probably not want to be startled by Andrea, Taylor gently whispered into the girl's brown hair, "Gabi." She began to stir. "Gabi," Taylor whispered again, slightly more forcefully. "Wake up."

"Huh?" Gabi groaned. The brunette blinked her eyes rapidly, adjusting to the light as she lifted her face from Taylor's chest. "Too bright."

"Gabs, we gotta wake up," Taylor said halfheartedly. She didn't really want to get up either...

"No," Gabi refused. "Five more minutes..." She cuddled closer to Taylor, pulling the curly-haired blonde even closer to her.

Taylor chuckled slightly. "Fine, love. But if my mom walks in to wake us up, then don't say I didn't warn you..." Gabi just shrugged.

"Whatever." Right on cue, the door opened to Andrea Swift walking in.

"Wake up, Taylor!" Andrea practically shouted. Taylor groaned, wanting to pull Gabi closer and hide her face for eternity.

"Mom," Taylor whined. Gabi practically jumped from the older woman's shouting, almost instantly trying to spring apart from Taylor, feeling like a deer in the headlights. In response, Taylor just held Gabi tighter. "No. Don't move," she murmured, causing Gabi to smile slightly.

"Now who doesn't wanna get up?" Gabi teased lightly. Taylor just buried her face in Gabi's hair, not wanting to have to respond. Gabi laughed lightly. "Er, sorry. Can we have ten more minutes? It might take a while to get Tay up..." Gabi asked Andrea.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll take you a little longer than that. Taylor can be... stubborn. Why don't we make it fifteen? I'll check on you two again at 8:30," Andrea said. Gabi nodded.

"Thanks!" Andrea left the room at that, leaving the girls alone. Taylor continued to cuddle Gabi closer. "You're not letting go anytime soon, are you?" Taylor shook her head.

"Cuddles?" Taylor asked the brunette. Gabi sighed playfully before shutting her eyes and leaning even further into the blonde's embrace.

"Five more minutes."




"Fine, but that's it."

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now