Chapter 5

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Dinner flew by, and next thing Gabi knew, she was sitting in a car with Taylor Swift getting chauffeured by one of the pop star's driver/bodyguards. The singer, much to Gabi's irritation, had insisted on paying for dinner, and had forced Gabi to not try to pay her back, saying next time, Gabi could pay. The "next time" alone made Gabi shut up in shock.

"Wait, sorry. Where do you live? Just so he knows where to go," Taylor asked.

"Oh. Sorry. I live in Tribeca. 50 Murray Street," Gabi answered. The driver nodded, putting the address into the GPS.

Taylor turned to the younger girl. "What's it like in New York? I live in Nashville, so I don't know too much. But the city seems amazing so far!"

"Uh, it's kinda just a normal city. I mean, everything's open 'til crazy hours at night. So, like, if you're working a night shift, it's not a problem. But other than that, that's kinda it."

"Huh. It just seems so... so... unique."

"Unique New York, New York is unique. You know you need unique New York," Gabi muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Taylor asked.

"Oh, nothing. It just reminded me of a rhyme."

"How long have you been living in New York for?"

"Er, a year. I, um, yeah."

"Oh, cool! Where did you live before? Sorry. Am I asking too many questions? I probably seem really nosey. I'd just love to live in New York one day, and I wanted to get to know you, too."

"Don't worry about it. We got to talk about all the fun stuff over dinner, so..."


"Anyway, I used to live in Pennsylvania, actually."

"Wait, really?" Gabi nodded. "I used to live in Pennsylvania!"

"That's actually really random."

"Yeah, isn't it?" Taylor asked, chuckling.

"Anyway, I guess as a Taylor Swift fan who gets to talk to the singer herself," Gabi started, gesturing fancily at Taylor, "I should ask you all sorts of questions about things that you probably won't answer but I'm going to ask anyway."

"Okay... what kinds of things?" Taylor asked, starting to get a little nervous. This was usually where interviewers started asking about her personal life: dating, boyfriends, etc.

"Right. So I'm a mega fan of your music, so I have to ask what's coming next?" Gabi asked, completely switching personalities, and even miming holding a microphone as if she were an interviewer on the red carpet. She held her fist out to Taylor to let her speak into the fake microphone. It took everything in Taylor to not start to cry from laughing at Gabi's antics.

"Well, Gabi, I can just say, there's quite a bit. Lots of country, sass, emotion, y'know? And, well, I hope the fans enjoy it," Taylor responded into the fake microphone, also pretending to be in an interview.

"Well, there ya have it, folks. Taylor Swift herself telling us about her upcoming music. Emotion, sass, and country. Remember you heard it first on Interviews in a Random Car. Thank you so much, Taylor! We'll see you soon!" Gabi finished, improving an outro and company name, waving to Taylor with a huge grin on her face, trying not to laugh at their ridiculousness.

"Bye, Gabi! Thank you so much for having me!" Taylor replied, totally playing into it, waving back and blowing kisses at a fake camera. The two just absolutely fell apart, laughing so hard their stomachs hurt and it was hard to breathe.

By the time the girls finally pulled it together, they had arrived at Gabi's apartment building. "Okay, well, thanks so much, Taylor! This was really fun!" Gabi said.

"Oh, it was no problem! We should do it again sometime!" Taylor offered.

Gabi nodded. "Definitely! In fact, you should move to New York just so you're able to see me more often!" Gabi joked.

"I'll consider it," Taylor answered. "But only if you think about moving to Nashville for the same reason."

Gabi nodded. "For sure," she said, causing both of them to burst out laughing.

Just as Gabi was about to walk down the block to get to her apartment building, Taylor called out to her. "Wait!" Gabi turned. "How, um, how would you feel if 'next time' was a little sooner?"

"What do you mean?"

"Uh, I, uh, do you want to spend the night at my place?" Taylor blurted out.

"What?" Gabi asked, blinking and coming back to the car to be able to hear the singer a little better.

"Um, er, do you-do you want to spend the night at the hotel I'm staying in? In my room. And probably in the same bed because there's only one, and it's either that or the floor," Taylor said.

"Er, sure! Are you sure that's okay? Like, is your- are your parents okay with it? Are you sure you're okay with it? I really don't want to intrude..."
"Uh, I haven't really checked with them, but I'm sure it's fine. And I'd love to have you over. I mean, I'm only in New York for a couple more days, but it'd be nice to hang out with you a little more."

"Okay! Then, yeah, for sure!"

"Fantastic! We can probably just go over there now if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, that's amazing!" So Gabi got back into the car, and the girls were driven off to the hotel Taylor and co. were staying in, Gabi being absolutely ecstatic that she was getting to spend the night with not only one of her favorite singer/songwriter/celebrity people in the entire world, but also the person she'd been semi-secretly crushing on for the last three years.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now