Chapter 4

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The best night of Gabi's life had just ended. The most incredible concert she had ever been to in all her nineteen years of living was over. And she got to meet Taylor Swift. And not just meet her, but hold her in her freaking arms. Gabi's poor brain could barely handle it. But everything came crashing back down to Earth when she tried to get backstage.

She figured it would be fine. After all, surely by now, twenty minutes after the concert, Taylor had told security, right? But Taylor had forgotten. Taylor had not told security that a girl named Gabrielle Lewis would be coming backstage and to let her through. She hadn't told them that a girl with bright violet eyes would need to get backstage. So when Gabi tried to get backstage, tried to explain who she was and that Taylor was expecting her, the guard didn't believe her. In fact, the guard believed she was a threat, possibly carrying some kind of weapon, and that that was why this random girl was trying to get backstage.

So he held up a taser. He didn't shoot, but he held it up to her torso, ready to shoot if she tried to do something. Growing scared, Gabi slowly put her hands up, wide open, trying to show that she wasn't a threat. Suddenly, she saw the door open and saw Taylor come out, looking absolutely adorable in her grey sweatpants and navy cropped hoodie.

"Hey! What's going on?" Taylor asked, seemingly alarmed at the sight.

The security guard kept the taser up while trying to guard the singer, saying, "Don't move!" to Gabi. Taylor moved in front of the guard over to Gabi, who was shaking and looked like she was ready to cry.

"Hi, Gabi! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to tell security that you'd be coming," she apologized.

"It-it's okay. D-don't worry," Gabi said, still shaken.

"Hey, Greg, can you put the taser down? She's fine. Promise," Taylor said. Greg nodded, lowering his weapon and putting it away. "Come on!" Taylor directed at Gabi. "I'll show you around backstage!"

Gabi nodded, letting herself be pulled away by the older girl.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now