Chapter 30

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A/N: I changed some things around, so if you got a notification that two new chapters were posted or something, it's NOT TRUE. They're just edits and undoing edits. This is the new chapter. Sorry for the confusion -- I'm not tech savvy :(



Gabi immediately pulled her phone out of her pocket, hearing the familiar text chime go off. She looked to see who was messaging her, confused because Zach was in the bathroom, so it couldn't have been him, and no one else would've been texting her.

Opening her Messages app, she looked at the new message from some unknown sender. She clicked on it, reading the message to see if she needed to block the person or delete the conversation.

"Hi Gabi! This is Taylor! Hope you're doing well! I know it's been a while, but I was wondering if you wanted to meet up? I'm in town for another couple days, so if you want to hang out, just let me know! PS: Hope you enjoyed the concert :) :) :)"

Gabi stared at her phone in shock. There was no way THE Taylor Swift had messaged her. First of all, she was 95% confident that the singer hadn't saved her contact all these years. But on top of that, what would've possessed the superstar to message her now, a decade and a half later? Gabi was sure it was a scammer. Her finger hovered over the "Block Sender" button, but something stopped her.

What if it actually was Taylor Swift? She'd probably never forgive herself (as a Swiftie and as her own confused self) if she blocked Taylor Swift. And Zach would probably yell at her for being stupid if he ever found out. That would be annoying. Gabi decided to give the sender a chance to prove who she was.

Quickly typing out a message, Gabi sent, "Hi! Sounds good! I'll meet you around noon at the same place I saw you today!"

She waited about twenty seconds before seeing her message had been liked. This would give the Unknown Sender, "Taylor," a chance to prove who she was.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now