Chapter 10

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A/N: So I was stupid and tried to reallocate chapters after publishing. So forgive the wonky chapter numbers -- I forgot where I broke the chapters up. Just know that this used to be Chapter 10. It just isn't anymore because I changed stuff around and tried to change it back, and it didn't work out so well... Anyway, sorry :(


Gabi couldn't believe it. In literally less than 8 hours, she'd gone from being an audience member at one of Taylor Swift's concerts to being her friend to having said Taylor Swift want to release one of Gabi's songs. It was quite the transformation.

"Wait, so why did you seem so surprised by my guitars?" Taylor asked as they were lying on the bed together.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't have been. Like you're a musician, guitarist, songwriter, et cetera. Of course your parents are supportive of what you do. So it's natural you'd have guitars. I was just..." Gabi trailed off.

"Are-do your parents not want you in music? Is that why you didn't want to release what you wrote? And why you were surprised by the guitars?" Taylor asked softly.

"Er, well, they just want what's best for me. And they know that music's hard to be successful in. So..." Taylor turned on her side, wrapping Gabi in her arms, pulling her into a hug. Gabi at first tensed, not expecting a hug, but quickly relaxed and cuddled into the embrace, nestling her head against Taylor's chest. Taylor pressed a light kiss to the crown of Gabi's head.

"Just- I hope this isn't out of place, but... people will support you. Whatever you decide to do. At least, I would," Taylor said. Gabi shut her eyes, pulling Taylor closer to her.

"Thanks. That- that actually helps a lot," Gabi whispered. No one ever really told her that anymore.

Taylor just kissed the crown of Gabi's head again before saying, "Good night, Gabs."

"Night, Tay," Gabi whispered back, and the two girls fell asleep just like that, cuddling under the covers of Taylor's bed.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now