Chapter 19

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A/N: ISTG I don't look at the book for a week and it's up to 2K VIEWS!!!" WTF!!! I'M FREAKING OUT! Thank you to everyone reading this :)))

Here's the next chapter!!


At last, it was March 24, the day the two friends had been preparing for (mentally and physically and emotionally – there would be a lot of screaming that night and very hoarse voices the day after) for months.

"Come ON, doofus!" Gabi screamed at Zach. "We have to be at the airport in fifteen minutes or we'll miss our flight!"

"And how many minutes does it take to get there?"


"Okay, okay, okay!" Zach shouted. "Geez, when did you become a psycho?" he said to himself.

"I HEARD THAT!" Gabi glared.

"Sorry!" Zach said, throwing his hands up.

"I'll forgive you when you get in the car," Gabi said.

"Okay, okay, I'll get in the car," Zach relented, moving to the garage of the California home they lived in together. Gabi nodded, ushering him out.

Once the two were seated in the car with the trunk loaded, Gabi in the driver's seat and Zach in the passenger's, Gabi said, "Okay. I forgive you now."

"Wow, thanks," Zach said sarcastically. "I was waiting forever for your forgiveness." Gabi just glared at him before pulling out of the driveway.

Fifteen minutes later, the two were at the airport, checking their bags and sprinting to security. After waiting in security for forty-five minutes (Zach complained relentlessly about it for the first ten minutes before Gabi glared, shutting him up real fast), the two were sprinting to the plane as fast as they could.

When they finally arrived at the gate, they rushed into the boarding line, got to their seats, and panted heavily from all the running they'd just done.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm exhausted. There's a reason why I almost failed P.E. in high school," Zach groaned.

"Oh, shut up!" Gabi said although she was breathless herself. "Let's just have a nice, calm, peaceful flight."

"That's unfortunately not possible. I'm too chaotic."

"Well, be unchaotic for a while," Gabi glared. Zach shrugged. Gabi glared at him some more, and he relented, deciding to lean back to avoid the death stare from his friend.

"Damn, you're moody today," he muttered.

"I heard that!"

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