Chapter 4

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"I am so so sorry! I completely forgot to let security know. And I swear I didn't know he'd react like that. Greg's usually pretty calm, so that was really out of character. Are you okay?" Taylor rambled, wrapping an arm around the smaller girl. Gabi just nodded. She could barely breathe, much less form a full sentence. "I feel really bad. That must've been really traumatizing." Gabi shrugged.

"A little. It wasn't too bad..." She didn't want to offend the singer. Taylor just stopped walking to wrap her arms around her in a hug.

"Still." There was a brief pause before Taylor continued saying, "Hey, did you come here with anyone?" She hadn't seen anyone who seemed like Gabi's friend or family member or boyfriend with her in the audience, not that she'd been looking.

"Er, no. No one- everyone was busy," Gabi said.

"Okay. Well, I was wondering if maybe you, um, maybe wantedtogogetdinnerwithmeorsomething?" Taylor rushed out. Gabi just stared at her. "Not-not that you have to. I mean, don't feel obligated or anything. Just if you want. Or, if you already ate that's fine. I'll just give you your bottle of water, and you can leave whenever you want. Oh, God, I hope that doesn't sound rude," Taylor said, handing the shorter teen a bottle of water.

"Oh! No, no, I'd love to have dinner with you. I haven't eaten yet either," Gabi said somewhat awkwardly, taken aback by the invitation and still reeling from the encounter earlier.

"Great! Um, do-do you like sushi? I heard there's this really great sushi place a couple blocks from here," Taylor asked.

"That sounds great!" Gabi said. Taylor smiled before pulling out her cell phone to text her mom quickly to let her know she was going to grab dinner and might get back to the hotel later than planned. And with that, the two girls (and a few security guards – it's Taylor Swift, the pop star. What'd you expect?) went out the building to get dinner.

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now