Chapter 12

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At exactly 8:35, Andrea Swift came bursting through the door, ready to wake up Taylor and Gabi only to see that the two were cuddled together in bed looking absolutely adorable. Andrea hoped the two would someday get together. It was pretty obvious they liked each other. She may or may not have quietly been pacing in figure eights outside the door while the two talked, eavesdropping on what they were saying. But she knew that tour would probably get in the way, and the two likely wouldn't see each other for at least three or four months because of it.

Either way, Andrea was torn over whether or not she should support the possible relationship. After all, long distance wouldn't be easy, and Taylor had already been cheated on, something Andrea didn't want to happen again. Gabi would never do it intentionally she hoped, but long distance could make people do things they wouldn't ordinarily do.

Sighing, Andrea projected, "Taylor Swift! Wake up! You should enjoy New York while you can."

Taylor sighed. "Okay, okay, okay. We're up!" Opening her eyes and facing Gabi, she said, "I'm not normally this tired in the morning. Tour's just..."

"Exhausting," Gabi finished. Taylor nodded.

"Yeah. I mean I love it! It's so great to see fans, but it does take a lot of energy..."

"No, it's totally... it makes sense," Gabi assured the blonde. Taylor smiled. "Well, we'd probably better get up..."

"Yeah. Mom can be relentless sometimes." The two got out of bed, and Taylor noticed Gabi seemed a little awkward and stuck. "Oh! Do you need clothes? Here! We're probably about the same size. Well, some stuff might be a little long on you, but here!" She tossed Gabi a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Gabi instantly relaxed.

"Thanks!" Taylor motioned to the bathroom.

"Here, one of us can change out here and the other in the bathroom. Whoever's out here can just say they're done so the person in the bathroom can come out!" Taylor suggested.

"That sounds good. I-I can change wherever..." Gabi said.

"I'll just use the bathroom," Taylor decided. Gabi nodded.

A few minutes later, Taylor came out of the bathroom. Both of them were finished changing, and it took an immense amount of effort for Taylor to not do a double-take. Gabi looked really cute in her clothes.

Blushing, Gabi said, "Er-thanks." Taylor began to turn red.

"Did-did I say that out loud?" Gabi hesitated.

"Er, yeah. Kind of..."

"Sorry! I meant to-to keep that in my head, but... you do look great..."

"...Thanks..." The relaxed feeling from earlier that morning was replaced with an awkward sort of tension. Silence followed.

"Um, do you want to head out now? You can... show me around!" Taylor suggested, trying to defuse the awkwardness. Gabi's demeanor changed, causing Taylor to relax slightly.

"Sure! Where do you want to go?"

"Um, wherever you think we should go! I don't- I'm not too familiar with the city, so..."

"Okay, well, I can show you some of my favorite shops! The stores here are really cute and they have some pretty nice stuff that's not too expensive!" Taylor nodded.

"Sounds great!" She shouted to her mom once they'd gone out the door, "Mom! Gabi's gonna show me around!"

"Okay, have fun!" Andrea shouted back. "Gabi, make sure she's in one piece, and we're good!"

"... Okay!" Gabi replied. With that, the two girls went out the door. "I've gotta show you all the boutiques! There's some pretty cute stuff I think you'd like!"

Love Story (Taylor Swift x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now