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Three hours. Three hours worth of talking, eating, opening presents, some more talking, and a whole hell of a lot of drinking.

But it's okay because everyone else is at least a little buzzed too. Actually, I think Luna is drunker than I am.

The only person who didn't drink at all is the weirdo beside me. Levi. He's got a weird name and a weird personality. The dude doesn't drink.

What twenty-something-year-old doesn't drink? I mean, come on, dude. At least a single sip of wine.

Other than the drunken shenanigans, the party goes by perfectly. Jasper loves the gifts he got and grinned pretty much the entire dinner. He gave me a hug and smiled as he thanked me for managing to gather everyone in time for his birthday.

He gave me a kiss on the temple then walked off to kiss Tara immediately after. That got me to shuffle off to the bar with Luna to grab a few extra drinks.

I think someone advised me to slow down somewhere in there, but I couldn't tell you who. Maybe it was the weird dude with the weird name and the weird personality.

That one weird dude was quiet pretty much all night. He gave Jasper a pat on the back with a simple 'Happy birthday, man' and that was about it. I heard him say a few things here and there but it wasn't much.

"Oh, god," Luna gasps and grabs my shoulder before she can trip over her own feet. "Caden's here to get me." She informs. "He's gonna be pissed." She murmurs with wide eyes.

I laugh at that and hang onto her too so we don't fall. "Maybe you shouldn't have drank so much." I suggest.

"No," Luna drawls. "That's no fun."

"Everything is no fun to you."

"True." Luna agrees on a heavy sigh. "I should get outside. He said he was outside fifteen minutes ago." She mutters with a little grimace.

"Need help?" I offer on a hum. I don't know how far we'd get leaning up against each other like this though.

"Ope," Luna gasps. "Nope. He's right there." She lazily lifts her hand to point. I look at where she's pointing and spot Caden coming closer to us. He probably got tired of waiting in the car.

He chuckles and helps Luna lean off of me and onto him. "Fuck, you said you weren't drinking." He points out.

"I lied." Luna gives him a drunken smile that gets him to laugh. I'll take a wild guess and say he isn't pissed like she said he would be.

Caden turns to me. "Are you going to need a ride home?" He asks, glancing around the restaurant's lobby for the rest of those we know. But everyone's gone home already. Well, almost everyone.

"I'm good." I nod confidently and fish my keys out of my pocket to hold them up with a smile.

My keys get plucked right out of my hand. "Oh, no you don't." Jasper's deep chuckle sounds behind me. I sigh and look over my shoulder at him.

Tara is tucked under his arm, all wrapped up in his jacket looking just a little buzzed. Jasper smiles and pinches my keys between his fingers, holding them above my head.

"No, come on. I'm good." I insist, not even bothering reaching out for my keys.

"You look pretty drunk." Tara points out with a quiet laugh. "You want a ride?" She adds. Caden is already trying to coax Luna out of the bar, so I lose that out pretty quickly.

I shake my head. "No, I'm good." I decide. "Jasper, my keys." I hold my palm up.

He squints skeptically.

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