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"Why do you always set me up to fail?"

Maniacal laughter is the only thing that answers me. I glare at my computer screen the entire time.

"Did you like the chapters? Did she like the chapters?"

"We skipped them."

Cassidy gasps. "Levi!"

I roll my eyes. "I skipped them." I correct myself. "She read them."

Cassidy huffs at me, still bitter. "And what did she think?" She asks anyway, still needing that feedback.

"Tessa thinks you're very detailed in your writing."

"Thank you."

"Also, the smut came too soon. She forgot the character's name halfway through, but it didn't matter because they were already..."

I trail off when I realize I can't quite say what I want to. Not in my office, anyway.

The characters were already fucking by the third chapter, which was clearly just thrown in there to make things between me and Tess awkward. It won't be in the final draft anyway.

Cassidy sighs. "Okay, but seriously. Did you guys like it?"

I hum quietly. "Yeah." I honestly answer. "Tessa loved it, but she's wondering if the princess's father will be mean the whole time."

"That was the plan." Cassidy confirms. "Why? Does she not like him?"

"No, it's not that." I shake my head softly even though she can't see. "She thought it might not work out since they would need the king to change the law so the princess can marry the love interest." I reason.

"Ohh..." Cassidy murmurs in understanding. "Hm."

"She likes the way the romance is developing though." I offer. "She already has a favorite. She says Elias is very relatable."

Cassidy laughs. "That's perfect."

"Mm." I acknowledge, glancing off to the side. "So, you're still going to take a minor break before you continue, right?"

"That's the plan, yeah."

"All right." I nod to myself. "If you end up writing more, feel free to call." I offer what I always offer. Usually, she has more to write and sends me it within a week.

"Will do. Thank you, Levi. Tell Tessa I said thanks too."

"I will." I start to smile, just thinking about how happy Tess will be to hear about Cassidy. We hang up on each other after our goodbyes.

I haven't gotten to see her in person in a few days. We both have been a bit busy with work, so we haven't had time to hang out.

She's invited me over for dinner. She told me she was going to make it, but I have a feeling I'll get there and be greeted with takeout—Which doesn't sound too bad right about now.

I glance at the timer on my computer before I get up and start collecting my things. I've been trying to work on my schedule more for the past few months, and leaving work right on time is a part of that progress.

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