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My idea of relaxing on a Sunday afternoon is staying at home and actually relaxing.

Jasper, clearly, does not feel the same about it.

I can hear his foot tapping constantly under the table. Above the table, my water shakes in its glass. The table isn't leveled and he's not helping it.

I clear my throat awkwardly. "So," I begin, as if I'm the one who asked to meet up.

I thought I was clear when I told him not to contact me again, but apparently I wasn't. It's my own fault that I'm sitting here with him though. I should've just ignored the text.

Then again, I'm not busy as of now. What's the harm?

Other than, you know, getting a new bruise on my cheek in the parking lot. Talking isn't really Jasper's thing. He probably won't talk through this and will simply follow me out to the parking lot.

I blame the countless head injuries he received in football.

Jasper lets out a heavy breath before he begins. "I...fucking hate you." He slowly declares.

I stare. "Okay?" I slowly shake my head, confused as to why he had to bring me here to tell me that.

He could've texted me. Would've saved me a trip.

Jasper huffs stubbornly. "But I have to tolerate you if I want her to talk to me." He childishly pouts and looks away.

"Why is your friendship with Tessa my problem?"

Jasper's eyes dart back to mine with an automatic glare. That little part of me that still hasn't grown out of that pushover phase wants to sink under his glare. But I fight the urge and awkwardly sit here with him.

He's a lot less scary when I've seen him turn into a complete wreck over the girl who rejected him in favor of sticking with me.

One simple mention of her name will give me enough time to get out of here and head to her house—Something he, apparently, can't do anymore.

"I know she's upset without me." Jasper confidently decides. Way too confident in himself. "She misses me, doesn't she? She told me she does."

I shift in my seat. "Why would you ask me if she misses you if she very clearly told you she misses you?"

Jasper knows how to start something. He knows what buttons to push to get someone riled up. Only it doesn't quite work on me. I think too much about it.

He clenches his jaw. "You know, before you showed up, everything between me and her was fine." He jabs his finger down onto the table. It rocks towards him then back into its unleveled spot.

"You mean when she was forced to stand to the side while you flaunt yourself with a different girl directly in her face?" I scrunch my nose, unsure of what his goal here is. That makes no sense.

They were not fine. I saw the way she looked at him. She wanted something more and he was too busy ignoring the feelings he says he has for her.

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