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The most magical thing in the world is having a lifelong dream come true. It's a beautiful experience that everyone should experience at least once.

Levi holds my hand while I stare down at a big cage in the middle of the pet store.

I jump when a white head suddenly pops out of the little enclosed space inside the cage. Levi chuckles quietly and gives my hand two gentle squeezes.

"You know, ferrets do better in groups. Like, of other ferrets."

"Mm." Levi acknowledges. "But they do good with near constant attention from humans and are easy friends with cats and dogs." He counters.

I frown. He shut down the rational reason I tried to throw out to get a few more than one ferret.

"But they are happier with more ferrets."

"Yes, but this one is all alone. She'll be okay." Levi points out. And he's not wrong. This poor girl is all alone in there.

Why she's alone, I have no idea. You'd think someone would adopt two together. Or the pet store would add a second ferret for her.

I take a breath as I stare back at the ferret in there. She looks up at me in Levi, maybe aware that she's getting a home today.

"She's cute, isn't she?"

"She is." Levi confirms. "You have a name, don't you?" He coaxes. I look up at him to see his eyes trained on the little name tag paper hanging on the ferrets cage. A name isn't listed. Just her personality and age.

"Yes." I answer him simply but don't tell him the name I have. "She matches Cheshire." I point out.

Levi chuckles. "She does."

"You're sure they'd get along?"

We haven't been dating long enough just yet for us to start thinking about moving in together, but I'm still taking things into consideration anyway. Cheshire's still kind of young. They'll have to get along.

"I'm sure." Levi confirms. But I can't tell if he really means it. He might just be saying it for my sake. He knows I really want this.

It's also a little late for him to suddenly change the answer he's given me over ten times now. Her new home is already set up for her.

"I'm very curious about this name though." Levi murmurs thoughtfully.

I sigh as I look up at him. "When I was fourteen and decided I wanted a ferret, I picked out a name and promised myself I'd name the ferret it."

"Mhm.." Levi slowly nods as he coaxes me for more.

"So, the name is a name fourteen year old me fell in love with."

"What is it?"

I look down at the ground with another sigh of dread.



I quickly look back up at him. "I really liked cheese, Levi." I reason. I still really like cheese.

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