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Levi gets to my place earlier than I expected. I'm not ready yet, but I probably wouldn't have been ready even if he got here five minutes late.

I hurry to the door and throw it open, unintentionally startling him. "Come inside," I take his hand and guide him in. His hand is warm despite it being freezing outside.

"Nice jammies." He comments as I shut the door shut behind him.

I sigh sharply. "I'm not ready yet."

"I see that."

I scowl. "Nobody likes a smart aleck, Levi." I grumble. "Go wait somewhere." I wave him off and spin around to hurry back to the bathroom.

I started getting ready way too late. Now, I'm left with half curled hair and in my polar bear theme jammies.

Which, honestly, I could leave in just my jammies. That's not much of an issue.


"What?" I poke my head out of the bathroom to look down the hall.

Levi sort of just wanders over. "You mind if I grab some water?" He points his thumb over his shoulder.

"No. Die of dehydration."

Levi frowns.

I scoff. "Yes, go get some water." I wave him off and look back into the bathroom mirror. "Grab a snack too—I don't care." I grumble as I start pulling out a strip of hair to curl before I look back out into the hall.

"Okay," He quietly accepts as he glances back down the hall. "Happy birthday." He adds. I give him a brief smile, a little busy at the moment. It's fine though. He texted me this morning for all of that.

Levi wanders away, probably to go to the kitchen. I don't mind him, letting him do whatever the hell he wants to for now.

It's not like he'll steal anything. I'm not even sure I have something here he would even think about possessing.

"Ooh, cheese—"

"Don't you dare touch my cheese!" I gasp and stick my head out into the hall even though I won't be able to see him.

"Why not?" Levi huffs. "You told me I could grab a snack."

"Anything but my cheese."


"It's my birthday." I remind. He doesn't answer immediately, so I'm left to stare into the hall and wait for him.

Levi groans. "Fine." He grumbles. I hear the fridge close just a moment later. "I'll just take some of these of these crackers then." He decides with a huff. I hum, satisfied with that.

As long as it's not my cheese.

"So," I keep my voice loud enough so he can hear me from in the kitchen. "What'd you get me for my birthday?" I ask. The question is only to make him squirm. I told everyone they didn't have to get me anything already.

"It's in my car."

I blink at that. "Wait, you actually got me something?"

"Yeah?" It sounds like a question.

I smile slowly at my reflection in the mirror. "But I said you didn't have to." I remind. I carefully start letting my newly curled hair out of the curler.

"Yeah, but it's always nice to have a gift." He sounds distracted now, maybe on his phone.

I bite my lip, suddenly more excited than I already was. I really did mean it when I told everyone I'll be happy without one, but Levi's right. It's always nice to have a gift.

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