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I huff and glance around the outside part of the restaurant, my foot tapping impatiently against the table legs down below.

Finally, finally, I see the girl I'm waiting for. I shake my head at her as she hurries over, heels tapping rapidly against the ground as she comes over.

"Sorry!" Luna sings as she slides into the seat across from me. "Traffic." She shrugs with a smile.

I scoff. "I have a very short lunch, Luna." I point out. "I have an appointment in, like," I pause to check my wristwatch. "Thirty minutes." I gasp.

Luna smiles. "Well, then maybe you should get engaged to a rich guy like me." She teases. I roll my eyes at her, but smile. "Did you already order?" Luna glances around the table for a menu that's supposed to be in front of her.

I nod. "Yeah. You wanted a hamburger, right?"

"Yep." Luna grins. "Thank you," She reaches forward to pick up the glass of water I got her.

I sigh heavily as I relax in my seat. "So, you got my text, right? About my birthday?"

Luna nods confidently. "Don't invite anyone." She agrees. "Not even my dearest fiancé." She adds as she narrows her eyes at me.

I smile apologetically. "Sorry."

Luna only hums at that as she begins lazily playing with her straw. "What's with these rules anyway?" She coaxes. "I thought you loved big parties."

I shrug softly. "Usually." I confirm. "But I don't know. I just want it to be us this time around."

She nods. "All right then." She murmurs. It's like she knows that's not the whole truth. At least she's not pushing for more.

I want Levi to want to be there. He's not going to want to be there if this is like one of Jasper's parties where he invites just a few people who then turn around and invite half the fucking city.

Besides, this birthday isn't anything special. It's not a milestone or anything. I'm turning twenty-six.

The only milestones are eighteen, twenty, twenty-one, and twenty-five.

You're a legal adult, you're not a teen anymore, you can now drink, and now you can rent a car.

Twenty-six is just another year. It's boring.

"So," Luna moves on with a hum. "My future mother-in-law is still an ass." She scowls as she stirs the ice in her water.

I smile at that. "What'd she do this time?" I curiously coax.

Luna rolls her eyes and forgets about her glass for a moment. "She's talking about wearing white."

I gasp. "No fucking way."

"Yeah." Luna shakes her head. "I'm five seconds away from suggesting no contact." She admits.

I scoff. "Why hasn't Caden suggested?"

"Oh, he's close." Luna widens her eyes at me as she quickly nods. "Wait till he sees the picture she sent to me. He'll flip too."

I perk up immediately. "Let me see!"

Luna is already searching for her phone in her purse, shaking her head simultaneously. "It's literally a wedding gown." She grumbles.

I gasp in horror when she finally finds her phone and slides it to me. "Holy shit." I whisper. It is a wedding gown.

"Annoying, right?" Luna huffs. I nod quickly and shake my head at the picture on her screen.

Maybe it's not so bad being single.

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