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Not once have I ever been so mesmerized by something in my life than right now. I didn't even think it was possible to be so stuck in one place for so long.

But here I am, standing in the doorway of the bathroom as I watch Tess dumbly. All she's doing is putting her makeup on for tonight for her friend's New Years thing.

Tess went home a little over two hours ago. I thought that meant she wouldn't be back until the party started, but I was wrong.

Just half an hour later, she came back with a foldable case thing filled with her makeup as well as a bag of other things she needed.

So casually, she smiled at me and waltzed into my bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Just a moment later, I heard the shower.

She took her time in there. As soon as the water turned off, she opened the door up. Like she knew I'd stand here just like I am now to watch her.

I've been standing here since she started blow drying her hair. Now that was a sight to see.

Tess has glanced my way just a few times. She gave me a smile and that was that. Never told me to go away, never asked what I was doing, nothing. She's just let me stand here.

I think she's already almost done. Meanwhile I haven't even really started. All I really need to do is get dressed, and I can do that in the span of five or so minutes. I already showered this morning.

Tess sighs as she leans back away from the mirror, having leaned forward over the counter while doing some of her makeup.

She looks towards me for the first time in a little while. "What do you think, Levi? Should I do rhinestones?" She asks, squinting at me.

My eyebrows furrow. "Rhinestones?"

Tess smiles as she reaches into her black box to take out this tiny plastic case. She opens it up to show me the rhinestones. "Should I add them?" She hums, squinting at me.


She smiles wider. It was the right answer, clearly. I assume it was one of those times where she didn't know she had her answer until an answer was offered to her.

I go partially lax against the doorframe, still watching her. Tess starts with light pink eyeshadow. "So," She hums absently while she's busy. "I asked Cass. She told me Jasper may or may not come. She isn't sure since both you and Tara are coming." She explains. "So...just a heads up."

I nod to myself. "Okay." I accept. I sort of already figured he'd be there. It's not a problem.

Though, I am a little curious to see how that blows over on Tara's end. From what I understand, they broke up. I doubt Tara is happy with him.

"Um..." I awkwardly continue the conversation.

"Hm?" Tess glances at me only briefly, coaxing whatever question she knows I have out.

"Who is Cass, by the way?"

The name makes me think of Cassidy half the time. It's throwing me off.

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