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For the past few days, I've been a little...fidgety. Anxious every time I glance at the front door.

That still hasn't changed. Even with Levi sitting right beside me on my couch, I absently play with the fabric of my shirt. I'm not even watching tv.

We haven't said much after that first conversation when I let him inside. He asked a couple of short questions while we packed up all of my Christmas decorations, but that was it.

While I nervously fiddle with the hem of the cuff of my sleeve, Levi sits still beside me while he watches tv.

Yeah. Levi is sitting still. He's so content, he's not shifting around in his seat.

Usually, if we're not cuddled up right next to each other, then he moves around a bunch in his seat. Right now, we're not even close to each other. We're actually on opposite ends of the couch.

This entire time, I've been overly aware of every little thing about him. The smell of his cologne when he passed me, the tiniest movement he makes that I catch in the corner of my eye, his soft scoff/laugh when something funny happens on tv.

He's driving me crazy and doesn't even seem to notice it.

I mean, how could he? All he's doing is existing on the other side of the goddamn couch! I'm the weird one who's almost tracking every movement and sound he happens to make.

I'm the one who's silently questioning why he chose to sit all the way over there and not closer to me. I'm not even the one who sat down second, he is.

After we finished putting everything Christmas related in my house away, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a quick bottle of water. When he came back, he sat right down in the spot all the way across the couch to me.

I'm losing my mind wondering why.

And, realistically, this is just Levi giving me the space he thinks I want. But my fucked up brain is thinking he's putting this distance between us to send a silent message.

So, basically, how do I kill that message? That's what I'd like to know. How do I tell him I'm interested without actually saying it?

Because I am interested. I mean—clearly. I can hardly sit still with him just a couple of feet away from me. I'd be pretty stupid if I thought we were still great buddies after this.

His phone chimes in his pocket. My attention immediately whips over.

Levi doesn't grimace as he reaches for his phone. He sighs—but doesn't grimace. He straightens when he looks at his screen.

My legs instinctively begin curling up onto the couch. "Everything okay?" I ask, wrapping my arms around my knees as I watch him.

Levi looks back at me quickly. He must not like whatever expression I have, because he frowns. "It's nothing." He dismisses.

I squint skeptically. It's never nothing.

Levi sighs. "It's my favorite author." He offers with a little smile.

I perk up at that. That sounds a lot better than Bryce or Charlie. "Cassidy Robinson." I blurt out her name, almost excited I remembered.

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