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Barbra married her Levi.

It took years and her to ask him first, but they did it. That's their story. She married her best friend's best friend.

But I still don't get how she knew it was him. She told me her last relationship had its issues, but every relationship has its issues.

How did she know when it was time to end it? And how did she know she for sure loved him?

I have so many questions. Half of which I don't even know if I'd get an answer for. They don't even make sense.

I don't really even know what I'm doing with myself anymore.

I miss when things were simple. I was in love with one of my best friends, and everything was fine.

Granted, I constantly watched said best friend love someone else, but at least I knew what was what.

But now I'm torn between old feelings and growing ones. Two important friendships in my life aren't the same as they were just a few months ago, and I miss them.

What the hell am I supposed to do with that?

I purse my lips as I look down at my new remote control car. It's a childish toy but still fun anyway.

I'm pretty sure it's fun, at least. I still haven't had a chance to test it out just yet. I'm waiting to test it out. It shouldn't be long now. Maybe just a few minutes.

My feelings are all jumbled up at the moment, but I do still need my friends. The thing is, the one friend I want the most just so happens to be one of the reasons for my fucked up feelings.

He's a friend and I'd like to play with my new tiny car with him since he's the one who got me it in the first place.

Levi is almost never late, so I know he'll be here any minute. Actually, for the first time, I'm the early one.

I haven't seen him in a while. He's been busy—which is totally understandable.

But even our texting has gone down. He has less time, I guess. He has work, goes to either his mom's or his own place, then sometimes has Charlie and Bryce to supervise.

Levi has a busy schedule these days. Apparently, his brother is basically a toddler.

I think I'm just lucky Levi got today freed up for me. He told me I could keep texting him while he's busy, but I have really just been doing my best to avoid texting him too much.

The moment I spot a black car pulling into the parking lot behind me, I get excited. Way too excited.

I'm grinning within seconds. Before he even gets out of the car, I'm grinning and excitedly standing up from the little table I've been waiting at. I've been sitting on the table itself, so when I stand, I stand up on the bench tucked under it.

Levi doesn't see me just yet. He climbs out of the car, makes a face at some tiny furball that I can't quite make out that scatters across the parking lot, then looks up and starts scanning the area for me. I squint more as I study him from afar.

He has sunglasses on.

And..he's in dark grey sweats. And a black t-shirt. And a black hat.


I stare at him, watching dumbly as he finally spots me and jogs over. He's smiling at me and laughs when he makes it over to my table. He looks up at me. I stay standing on the bench seats.

"You're early." Levi smiles. His sunglasses are too dark for me to see his eyes. And his hat is covering too much of his normally fluffy hair.

Has he ever worn a hat? Or sunglasses, for that matter?

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