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Kelly narrows her eyes at me the moment the clippers click and begin buzzing menacingly. I give her a little smile then direct Mitch to tilt his head down some.

It's her own fault for being here while I'm cutting my dad's hair. If my dad's doing something, Mitch is going to want in. She knows that.

Her son is going to want in too. He's already curiously watching me slowly drag the clippers along Mitch's head.

I'm not even fully sure why Jasper is here anyway. Today isn't a special day or anything. I'm only here to trim my dad's hair. I didn't realize everyone would be here.

No one told me we were having a get together. My mom told me Mitch and Kelly were coming over, so I guess Jasper tagged along at random.

I guess it doesn't matter though. I'm really only here to trim up some hair and then get out. We're having a girl's night and Luna's and I really don't want to be late.

"So," Kelly straightens, having been leaning on the counter. "Do you have any plans tonight, Tessa?" She coaxes. "We were all thinking about getting dinner." She looks around the room with a smile.

I give an apologetic smile. "Actually I do."

She cocks her head back, like it's completely unbelievable that I have plans. "What're you doing?" Kelly challenges. Probably hoping to catch me in a lie.

"Girl's night at Luna's." I smile sweetly at her.

"Oh." Kelly dryly accepts. I hum and continue shaving her husband's head, fully prepared for her to make a face at him once I'm done.

"How is Luna?" Mom looks up from whatever she's doing in the pantry and at me curiously.

"She's good." I nod, glancing at her only for a second before I look back at what I'm doing. "Yeah. Her and Caden are getting really excited." I laugh to myself just thinking about the last conversation I had with Luna about her wedding.

"Oh, that's nice." Mom presses a hand to her chest with a smile.

Kelly clears her throat, prepared to make the conversation awkward with a simple: "Are you and Jasper excited?"

I watch her for a few seconds, less distracted with Mitch's hair. I pull away so I don't mess it up. "Excited for what?" I shake my head slowly.

Kelly gestures towards Jasper. I look to him for help but he looks confused too. "Aren't you guys going together?" Kelly questions.

"I mean, we're going at the same time." I awkwardly nod. "I don't think we're driving together though." I look to Jasper for confirmation. He shrugs at me.

"Why not?" Kelly frowns.

"Because Jasper doesn't know how to leave the snacks alone." My dad chimes in quickly, probably feeling the awkwardness like the rest of us.

Jasper scoffs. "We haven't been on a road trip together since I was, like, fifteen." He dryly points out.

Dad nods quickly. "I learned my lesson." He hums. Jasper rolls his eyes with a fond smile.

"You don't have a date then?" Kelly quirks a brow, continuing this dumb conversation.

I don't understand why it's so important to her. For one, I don't need a date for a wedding. I can go just as a friend of the bride and groom all by myself. Why do I need a guy with me?

"I think I do." I answer her anyway. I'm hoping Levi will go with me. Not because I need a date but because I want him to be better friends with my friends.

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