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Date number three. Holy shit, date number three.

I try to remind myself it's not that big of a deal. It's just our third ever date. The only thing is we are now allowed to have sleepovers.

Third date doesn't mean a for sure sleepover. Third date means I am now open to a sleepover.

Besides, Levi probably won't want one tonight. He might just pick me up, spend our date together, then take me home and leave like he has every other date.

This being our third ever date isn't the only reason I'm nervous for tonight. Not only is this a date with Levi in general, but I also have things I want to ask him about.

Pretty much everything about him.

Levi doesn't talk about himself a lot. Not willingly, anyway. I have to ask for specifics.

I don't think Levi does this on purpose. I think he genuinely doesn't even think about telling me about specific things if I don't ask him.

So, basically, I need to ask him about whatever I can think of that I want to know as well as his birthday tonight and ask what he wants to do.

If he wants to do anything at all, based on what Jasper said.

The whole point of dating Levi is to get to know him better, not just spend time with him romantically. So, I have a mission tonight.

Get to know Levi as much as I possibly can while learning everything he knows about the stars.

It's a pretty easy mission. Levi is pretty straight forward once he's asked. All you gotta do is prompt him.

Very, very specifically.


What do you think happens when you pair a gossip with someone who simply flows with whatever conversation is thrown their way?

Magic. That's what.

"And you know what she said to me, Levi?" I scoff before I even tell him. I begin lifting my cup of soda to my lips.

"What did she tell you?"

I roll my eyes. "She asked me if I was sure I wanted to be with you." I shake my head at him with a huff.

Levi scoffs at that as he looks away. "If you're sure." He grumbles to himself.

"I know!" I gasp and throw my hands up. "Like, how rude!"

"Incredibly rude."

"Yeah." I scrunch my nose at him. "Anyway—I left after that, so I have no idea how that ended for Jasper." I wave my hand in the air and reach over to steal another turkey sandwich from the little cooler bag Levi brought.

"Terribly, probably."

"Probably." I agree with a quick nod. "But it's not my problem." I smile to myself as I unwrap the sandwich. He's pretty neat with these things.

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