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She smiles up at me, warm and welcoming. I tilt my head at her, studying her expression closely.


I narrow my eyes skeptically. "I said a week." I remind. "A week as in a full seven days. Not four."

Charlie huffs. "I'm better now." She insists, extending her arms out. "I won't call you over stupid shit anymore." She quickly adds.

"Vacation time, Charlie." I remind slowly. She scrunches her nose as she looks away. "You just need to step back for a bit." I decide. "Take some time for yourself."

"But it's almost New Years!" Charlie points out. "And I believe that the first day of New Years sets the vibe of your new year!"

"Don't you want your vibe to be relaxation?"

"I want it to be around the people I love and care for." Charlie corrects. "Please?" She tries again. "Look, I know you need my help. You're here when you should be at work."

I hate that she's right. I've been working remotely since she left—Which is something I am capable of doing. It's just been a little complicated with my mom and Bryce also being here.

Bryce doesn't know the first thing about any of this. I can't say I'm much better. That's why Charlie's here in the first damn place.

"Bryce is still here." I warn her on a deep sigh. "And he's not leaving any time soon."

Charlie straightens. "I know." She accepts. "I will be civil, I promise."

I hesitate, but ultimately take a step back. "We're easing into this, Charlie." I warn her as she happily hurries insides. "I'll be here the rest of the week. You need to still keep it easy."

"I know, I know, I know." Charlie chants, just excited to be back inside. She's already headed down the hall.

I reach out and catch her by her elbow. Charlie groans as I tug her back over to me. "Wait a second." I order.

"Levi," Charlie complains, drooping as I hang onto her elbow so she doesn't go anywhere.

"We're not doing this, Charlie." I firmly tell her. "Take this seriously. Otherwise nothing is going to change here and we're going to keep running into these issues."

Charlie droops even more somehow. "I am taking this serious."

"You're not." I argue with a sigh. "We still need to talk. You know that." I point out. She frowns, fully aware.

I glance over when I notice movement towards the hall. Charlie follows my eyes in time to watch Bryce step into the room. He pauses when he sees us.

Bryce points his thumb over his shoulder. "Mom's hungry." He mumbles.

My expression turns dry. "Then make dinner."

He frowns.

I roll my eyes. "I'll start it in a second." I promise. "And don't go far. You're going to sit with me and learn." I decide. Bryce groans at that, throwing his head back like that'll convince me to let him go.

He huffs like a child when he realizes I'm not going to back down. With a small glare, he looks back at me and away from the ceiling that will do nothing to help him. His eyes drift to my hand around Charlie's elbow. I let her go.

"I'm leaving in a minute." I warn them both now that they're here. They both straighten at the sound of that. "I don't want any stupid phone calls or texts while I'm gone." I look between them. "Unless it is a genuine emergency. Like—The house is on actual fire."

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