
Levi drives slightly quicker than he normally does on the way to his mom's house. He doesn't say anything about what's going on.

He doesn't say anything at all. He's completely silent, just like he normally is.

When we get to a cute little neighborhood, he pulls up on a large black house. I blink at it. It looks very...fancy. Really fucking big too.

Levi begins getting out of the car. I pause and Watch him, unsure of what to do. "Do you want me to stay here?" I ask.

Levi pauses, just about to close the door. He bends to look inside, watching me for a long moment before he sighs quietly. "No, it's okay. Come on." He beckons.

I quickly unbuckle and get out to hurry after him, up the long walkway and to the door. Curiously, I watch him pull out some keys from his pocket, flipping through the small ring before he finds the one he's looking for.

He hesitates for a few seconds before sighing deeply and unlocking the door. Levi holds the door open for me, I hesitantly walk in after him.

Immediately, I hear a woman's voice. She isn't shouting, but she isn't quiet either. Her voice is firm and demanding, sort of powerful. "Leave me be." She demands. "It is my job. I need to go."

I look up at Levi, confused. He doesn't look back at me as he wanders through the house to find whatever room this woman is in.

There's another female voice, more quieter than the first woman's. She sounds younger and is just as firm as the first woman. "Nancy, it's okay. You don't have work today." She assures.

"Excuse me? Yes, I do." The first woman, probably Nancy, insists.

Levi finally finds the room these two women are in. It's a little office room with a desk in the middle surrounded by cabinets and bookshelves.

Two women stand in the room together. One of which is in an older woman in a black robe while the other is a younger woman in a gray shirt and gray pants that match up perfectly.

The older woman's eyes find Levi and I in the doorway just seconds after Levi stops. A relived look washes over her face. "Levi. There you are." She huffs.

Levi isn't quite frowning, but he looks a bit sad. "What's the matter, Mom?" He softly asks, inching further into the room. I stay at the doorway.

The woman, I assume is Nancy and Levi's mom, scoffs at the question. "This woman," She sends a sharp look to the younger woman in the room. "is not letting me leave my own home for work." She scoffs again and throws her hands up in the air.

Levi actually does frown now. "That's Charlie, Mom." He reminds. Apparently, Nancy knows the woman.

"I don't care what her name is." Nancy puts her hands on her hips with her face scrunched in annoyance. "I want her to leave me be so I can work." She declares, expecting Levi to lead the woman out, probably.

"She's right." Levi's voice is much quieter and softer. "You don't have work today. You retired, remember?" He reminds.

I stand in the doorway silently, titling my head at the interaction. It doesn't take me long to figure out what's happening.

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