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Sometimes men suck. That's no secret, obviously. Men just suck sometimes. Sucks to suck.

But other times, men are useful.

I cross my arms and smile to myself as I stand off to the side in my pretty boots and warm jacket, happily watching my neighbor and his brother haul the biggest tree I could find into my home.

Now, I obviously can do this myself. I mean, I didn't put it up there and I didn't tie it, but I've hauled many trees into my home before. I know how to do this and I know exactly where I want it.

But still. There's something so rewarding about standing off to the side and watching the men struggle to put the tree on the holder.

I grin sweetly at them when they're finished. "Thank you very much, guys. It looks great." I praise.

Actually, it's too far to the right. I'll have to fix the way they screwed the tree in when they leave.

"Feel free to grab a cookie." I gesture to the coffee table where I already have a plate of fresh cookies.

They both gravitate towards it with stars in their eyes. I promptly kick them out once they've grabbed more than just a cookie.

I'm not too late in the game for Christmas decorations, but it still feels a little weird decorating my house on the fifteenth of December. I'll only have these up for a little over a week instead of most of the month like I normally do.

But that's all right. I still smile to myself and enjoy the quiet Christmas music played over the speakers in my living room.

My house smells of cookies and the sweetest air fresheners I could find at the Dollar Tree. I'm not expecting anyone, it's just nice to have a sweet smelling house.

That being said, there is also no reason for me to have a tree up. I think I'm spending Christmas at my parents' house anyway. There aren't even any gifts to put under the tree.

And yet, I stand here with a small smile as I hang up red and white ornaments that I also found at the Dollar Tree.

When the sound of my doorbell chime sounds through the house, I almost laugh. My first thought is my neighbor and his brother are back for more cookies.

I've had that happen before. I gave my neighbor some extra cookies and just fifteen minutes later, he came back for more.

I guess they have no self control. Me neither.

I pick the plate of cookies up on my way to the door, prepared to simply give the rest of the cookies to them. There aren't too many left anyway, and I'm in the mood for cupcakes instead of cookies.

My smile drops pretty much the second I open the door and realize it's not my neighbor and his brother here to beg for more cookies. Instead, Bryce stands in front of me.

Bryce as in Levi's brother. The dude I've had less conversations with than when I did in the beginning of the year with Levi.

And I definitely didn't tell him where I live.

My first question is: "Is Levi okay?"

Because why else would his brother be at my door for any reason other than to alert me that he has died in a terrible accident and now has an orphan cat ready to be adopted?

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