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I've never really been great with the whole feelings thing. I mean, I've been able to identify my feelings, but expressing them...not as much.

When I get to the coffee shop Jasper and I used to meet each other at, I keep up a straight face. I don't know what else to do.

Jasper's sitting in the same spot we usually sit at. I take a deep breath before I begin towards him.

He straightens when he sees me. "Hey," He breathes.

"Hi," I sit down across from him.

"That's, uh...yours." He nods towards the drink in front of me. I assume it's what I normally got when we'd meet up here. He knew my order.

I frown at it though.

"I quit drinking coffee, like, eight months ago."

Pretty much right after I learned Jasper and Tara started dating. At the time, Jasper skipped a lot of our coffee meet ups to be with her, so I sort of just dropped it.

Jasper stares. "You did." It's more of a statement than a question.

I nod awkwardly. "But thanks anyway."

It hurts a little that he hasn't noticed until right now, but it's fine. It's not like I care.

Not really, anyway.

Jasper sighs heavily and leans back in his seat. "Fuck, Tess." He mumbles. "What's happening with us?"

I press my lips together. "You tell me." I mutter. He shakes his head and looks away. "So, you're done being a dick?" I coax with a sigh.

"Yeah." He mumbles. "I apologized to Levi."

"Good." I nod once. Levi hasn't said anything about it, but to be fair I haven't asked. He doesn't like to say anything specific unless I ask.

He's weird.

"We're not friends anymore."

I frown at that but nod again simply. "Maybe for the best." I decide.

"Yeah." Jasper quietly agrees. "Uh...Tara and I are breaking up." He adds, sort of at random. It's like an update on the time we just missed.

I straighten. "What? Why?"

He doesn't answer me.

I huff and shake my head. "You're an idiot then." I decide, looking away to glare at nothing in particular.

Tara really is great. They're great together and are basically bound to make it to the end.

Jasper huffs out a weak laugh. "You act like it was my decision." He leans back in his seat and picks up his coffee to take a sip.

I frown when I look back at him. "Have you tried talking to her?" I question. "Talk to her about whatever's happening between you two." I suggest quickly.

"It's you, Tess."

I pause to process his words, but still don't really get what he means. "What is?"

"You're what's wrong right now." Jasper breathes. "Tara's breaking up with me because she says I'm in love with you."

I scoff quietly. "Well, did you tell her she was wrong?"


"Why the hell not, Jasper?" I shake my head at the complete dummy in front of me.

"Because she's right."

I think I can actually feel the moment my heart falls to the goddamn floor. Hear it, even. The room seems to get quieter, but I can't tell if it's just me or not.

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