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My phone vibrates frantically on the kitchen counter. I don't bother checking it.

Instead, I reach over to turn my music up while stirring my pasta happily.

I know who's texting and calling me and I don't want to hear it. I'm pissed, and I have a right to be.

Jasper not only humiliated Levi in front of all of our friends, but he also chose to do it on my birthday. At my party.

Truthfully, I'm not as mad about that last part as I am about the first one.

He humiliated Levi in front of everyone, and now has the nerve to be surprised that I'm pissed about it.

I haven't thought about what Jasper said at that party for the last week and a half. I'm too busy trying to figure out what to do now that I know who Jasper really is.

I thought I knew him well. Apparently, I was wrong.

The Jasper I thought I knew would never have done that. He wouldn't have jerked me around with the mixed signals. He wouldn't have smiled when a friend's face dropped and drained of all color.

He would have told me if he was comfortable with me being friends with his friends from the beginning. And he would've kept his mouth shut about whatever crush someone may or may not have on someone else.

Jasper's a jerk for what he did to Levi. I don't care if Levi really minds it or not, I care and I'm putting a stop to that.

Sidenote: I now have some feelings I need to work out.

It's weird, but right now I can't even text Jasper back much less look him in the eyes. I still love Jasper. Just...maybe more like a friend.

I keep trying to remind myself that he was drunk, but he wasn't really. Jasper can drink a whole hell of a lot more than just three beers and be perfectly fine. He snapped, sure, but it was more than that.

He wasn't even arguing with Levi. He said all of those things just to be mean. To make me not want to be around Levi anymore.

Which I can't imagine, honestly. Me? Hating Levi of all people?

I don't even know if anyone out there actually hates him. He's the most likeable guy I've ever met! He seems like he'd get along with virtually anyone.

Levi hasn't pulled away from me even though I'm sure he's upset about what happened. He wants to keep the peace.

Levi tried to explain what was happening that night already, but I know what he wanted to say, and I didn't want to hear it that night. I know it might be true, but in a different way. I think he may have loved me in high school just like Jasper said, but I doubt he does anymore.

Levi talked about this girl he loves. And at first, I thought he might actually love me. But the more I think about it, the more I want to laugh. I doubt it.

Levi and I haven't talked about it, and I honestly don't even want to bring it up. I already know what he was going to say, and I'm fine with it. What's the point of making everything awkward all over again for an explanation I've already accepted?

A familiar song begins to play on my phone, but it's not one that's on my playlist. I scoff at the song I once smiled at.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I dove towards my phone at the song. But now, I don't really mind it.

With a sigh, I reach over and finally answer Jasper's call. But it's mostly just to turn the noise off.

"Yeah." I answer, trying to keep the dread out of my voice. I'm just mad at him.

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