★-Bonus Chapter-★

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I know that life is beyond unpredictable. I've known it for a very long time now.

Even still. It can't be this unpredictable. Especially if you take all the measures you're supposed to when making sure it's not unpredictable.

But those measures don't really matter now. They're all too little way too late. I can't focus on that now.

Instead, I focus on what to do next. And for the most part, I've decided what I want. All I have to do is wait.

I've put this off for about a week. I know that everything will be okay, but I've still been anxious about it. And I can't put it off for any longer because he's starting to pick up on my anxiety. He's asked me multiple times now if I'm okay.

As excited as I am about this, I can't help but acknowledge the fact that it's sort of early. A little too early to be seeing two pink lines on three different sticks. The last stick being one that has the big word written digitally on it just for good measure.

I wanted to simply be for a little longer before this with Levi. I mean, at least be married and all. But we're not even engaged yet, which isn't something I've been complaining about. I'm perfectly happy with where we are now. Or...at least I have been.

Levi and I just hit our two year anniversary. We've been living together for a year and a half already, which I'm not blaming this on.

No, I blame the Vegas hotel room we visited a few weeks ago. It's all that damn room's fault.

I also blame the girls and their boyfriends/husband plus Jasper for inviting us on the Vegas trip in the first place, but it's not like they actually contributed to the process. There's only so much I can blame them for.

I've processed it all already though. I've had a whole week to process it, after all. And I think I'm all right with the circumstance.

And, sure, I'm pregnant while I'm not engaged or married and while I'm living sinfully—as Kelly so lovingly put it—with my boyfriend in my small, one bedroom duplex with said boyfriend's cat and my ferret.

But so what?

I take a deep breath to compose myself as I check out the window one more time. For a long moment, I stand here and stare until I see a familiar, black car come down the street. I shoot away from the window immediately and look wide eyed down at Cheese and Cheshire as they destroy a pile of papers that I threw down for them earlier. They both absolutely adore those papers.

But now isn't the time!

I rush to scoop up Cheese from the ground. She makes a sound at me, but I ignore her and hurriedly put her back into her home just so I don't have them both loudly messing with papers while I do this. Cheshire screams at me when he realizes it's his turn. I ignore him too and scoop him up to run down the hall and toss him on our bed in our room.

I'm sliding my way down the slick, hardwood floor just as the front door opens up. Levi blinks a couple of times at me as I slide all the way to him, but isn't surprised. This is how he's usually greeted.

He gives me that soft smile that put us in this damn situation.

"Beautiful angel." He beckons, already taking his bag off his shoulder. I step the rest of the way over, having only stopped a foot away from him when I lost momentum.

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