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I'm late. I tried not to be late, and I'm still late.

Levi told me he'd come get me at five. He still hasn't told me where we're going, but he told me to dress 'comfortably'.

'Comfortably' for me is my jammies. Long baggy pants, big baggy t-shirt, maybe a pair of socks.

I can't wear that. I don't know where he's taking me, but I'm not wearing my freakin' jammies on my first date with Levi.

I was on the search for something that's cute. Something that makes me very clearly cute, but like the kind of cute where I don't know I'm cute.

There was a lot of things to take in consideration, but I know what to wear. That wasn't much of an issue, honestly. I found something quick.

I think the thing that took up all of my time was my shower. The original plan was to take a quick shower. But then I wanted my hair to be all nice and fluffy, so I did the whole routine of washing it twice.

Then realized I should probably shave. Then I did everything.

So, now I'm a little later than I'd like to be. My hair is still kind of wet, but it looks like I have time for it to air dry a little more.

The sound of the doorbell chimes.


I look down at my clothes. Blue jeans, white tank, baggy and black unbuttoned flannel. It's not an incredible outfit, now that I really look at it. But there's no time for that now.

My hair doesn't have the time to air dry fully like I thought I would, so I'll end up with my window down on the way to wherever he's taking me.

I huff as I hurry up and reach out to grab the doorknob to open up for Levi. He's in the middle of glancing over his shoulder with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He quickly looks forward when he hears me.

I feel like deflating when I see how he's dressed. Comfortable, just like he told me to dress. A navy blue hoodie and black sweats.

Levi tilts his head at my clothes, but says absolutely nothing about them. "You ready?" He softly asks with that little smile I'm growing used to.

I frown. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"I need to know how to dress." I insist impatiently. I honestly just want to know where we're going. Not that it would really matter as long as it's a date and with Levi, but still. It'd be nice to know.

"I told you comfortably." Levi chuckles lightly as he looks back down at my clothes. "Are you comfortable in this?" He asks genuinely.

I slowly reach down to fix my belt. "My belt is too tight." I whisper, almost shameful. I may have skipped a few gym days, who knows.

He still smiles. "Then take it off. Or change the hole."

"I can't. I need it." I huff weakly. "My belt is a hole too small and my pants are a size too big. I'm stuck."

Levi hums quietly. "Well, you won't be comfortable with a too tight belt anyway." He reasons. "You wanna change really quick? We have time."

I squint at him. "How much time?"

Levi looks up at the sky to think. "Uhh, we can spare fifteen extra minutes." He looks back at me. "Will that work?"

I sigh heavily as I nod reluctantly and turn around to go back in. Levi follows me and shuts the door softly behind him. I'm already heading down the hall.

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