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"Oh, god."

"That bad?"

"Barbra." I gasp as I spin her chair in a circle. I spot uneven cuts all through her hair.

She grimaces. "It's hard to say no to my granddaughter. She's a bit of a devil."

"A bit?" My eyebrows raise.

"She's the spawn of satin himself." Barbra relents easily with a dreadful groan.

I giggle at that as I spin her chair to the side, still surveying what I'm working with for now. "Okay, so here's what I can do." I begin as I turn her to face the mirror. "We can do a bob that frames your face like this." I round her face from her cheeks to her chin.

Barbra squints. "So I can be like the old gals at bingo?" She makes a disturbed face at me.

I laugh. "Your hair is a little thick. We can swoop it to the side instead of a clear middle part." I offer. Her face still scrunches. "It'll look better than this." I murmur, tilting my head at her in the mirror.

Barbra sighs. "All right." She agrees with a confident nod.

I grin. "That's the spirit." I step away from her to slide open a drawer, finding everything I need. "Trust me, Barbra. It'll be all right." I assure, nodding quickly as I step back over to stand behind her. "But please, reframe from handing your granddaughter a pair of scissors next time." I grimace.

"Kitchen scissors." Barbra quietly corrects.

"Oh," I frown and drop my shoulders. "Oh, poor you." I shake my head as I begin combing through her hair. "What does your daughter think?" I curiously ask, raising a brow.

Barbra scoffs. "She thinks Katie would be a good hairstylist."

I laugh at that. "Well, she's only nine." I point out. "With a little more practice, I think she can do it."

Barbra hums at that. "She can practice on her dolls. I'm done." She bitterly grumbles. Her feelings will change when we're finished.

"I used to practice on my dad." I inform, tilting my head as I measure out two differently sized pieces of hair. "He didn't mind the bald spots."

"Forgive me if I do." Barbra smiles. "But I can't be mad at her long." She sighs, defeated. "She has these eyes and I swear—They're just like the eyes Chloe makes when she wants a treat."

"Ohh, so she's a professional." I hum, impressed. I laugh when Barbra nods quickly. But I have to find the pieces I was just working on when she does.

"But a gift." Barbra adds on a proud hum. "Now, tell me." She raises a brow at me in the mirror. "What about you?"

I smile sheepishly when I realize she's asking me if I'm having any kids. "I don't know." I admit. "I want to but..." I shake my head softly. "Jasper's not one for kids. Now, I'm not crazy and already building my fantasy life with Jasper, but still." I shrug. "He wouldn't get along with any kids I have."

I've been seeing Barbra long enough for us to know almost everything about each other. She knows a lot about my love for my best friend that will probably never love me back.

What else is there to do for about an hour except talk?

"And that's a reason not to?" Barbra murmurs, using her motherly voice of disapproval.

I laugh quietly and keep my eyes down on her hair. "No, just...something I've considered." I quietly correct.

Barbra sighs. "I was in a position like you when I was your age."

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