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I almost don't know what to do with myself when I wake up with solid blue hair tangled up in my face.

All I can do is tighten my arms around her and pull her closer to me. Her back is facing me but she's still cuddled up with me.

Neither of us are fully clothed but that wasn't a problem last night and it's not one now.

One glance over her shoulder at her digital alarm clock tells me that we've slept in. By a lot. It's almost twelve. I should probably be out of bed by now.

Not too long ago, Tess told me her dad, Mitch, and Jasper wanted to go to a baseball game for me and Jasper's birthday. She said I was invited.

Today I'm supposed to go to that game. But that's not until much later on in the day.

Until then, my day is completely free.

I lean in closer to her, lifting one hand to brush some of her hair off he neck. I give myself a place to kiss like that and press my lips softly against her skin.

Tess starts to wake up while I kiss her. She sucks in a deep breath as she starts to shift. I follow her wherever she goes, kissing softly at her jaw and throat to wake her up.

It's about time for us both to get up, now that I think if it. We can sleep in all we want, but it'll fuck with our sleeping schedules.

She hums at me as she starts looking over her shoulder, her eyes hardly open. Tess's hand raises to reach back. She buries her fingers in my hair, turning her head as much as she can.

I meet her halfway, pressing my lips softly against hers instead of on her skin. After only a few seconds, she breaks the kiss with a soft click only to kiss me again.

Slowly, Tess starts rolling over to face me better. While she does that, kisses break multiple times. She always starts a new one.

For the first time, I lose count of something. The amount of kisses I've received.

I get distracted when she kisses me. It's never happened before, but my brain sort of just...turns off when she kisses me. Sometimes even when she's simply around me.

Tess hums as she starts rolling over me, pulling the blanket back just a little to get it out of her way. It ends up hooked around her lower back while she throws one leg across my hips, sitting down to straddle me.

I start sitting up as my arms slowly wrap around her back. Tess wraps her arms around the back of my neck, leaning in to kiss me again. And again. And again.

Things speed up quickly. Before I can even process it, she's reaching down to move the waistband of my underwear out of the way so she can wrap her hand around me tightly. She starts sitting up more, rubbing the tip of my cock against her before I ultimately buck my hips up to urge her on.

I start to feel like an idiot teenager. We just woke up and she's already rolling her hips against mine on top of me, tugging lightly at my hair while I drag soft moans out of that beautiful mouth of hers. I kiss up her throat as I please. And, because she's the one who doomed me first, I find a spot under her throat and bite down softly.

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