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Fish staring.

That's what I suggested we do for our second date. Stare at fish all day.

I'm stupid.

Levi thought about our first date. He chose the perfect thing for us to do, and I had the best time. We even went to the same exact place we got ice cream that first time we actually hung out afterwards. It was delightful.

And I chose fish staring as the activity for our second date. What is he, eight?!

Levi still agreed to this though, so maybe he thinks he'll enjoy this. I can only hope he does.

If I know Levi as well as I think I do, he might actually enjoy this. But I'm a different way than I do.

I don't think he'll say 'Hey! Look at that fish that's so ugly it's kinda cute!'. It would be more like 'That's a *insert crazy random fish breed type thing*'.

And then I'd stare up at him until he gives me that awkward little smile and moves on to point at, like, a goldfish or something.

But now we're here and I can't actually change it. We're through the gates and I can't tell him that I'd like to go see a movie. Or do literally anything else that he wants to do.

I get to have a nice view of him, at least. The smile he wears calms some of my nerves. Makes me feel better about this decision.

The rooms here are dark, only being lit up by the blue light behind the glass. That means while he stands right in front of the glass, the pretty blue light shines on his face.

His hands are in his pockets, standing here so casually. Completely unaware of the fact that I'm staring at him like a freakin' creep.

Best thing about it all is: he's wearing his glasses.

Yep! His contacts expired or whatever it's called when contacts go bad. He has to wait a few more days for his contacts to arrive. Which means I've got this nerdy lookin' Levi for a while and I love it.

He doesn't seem to like them as much as I do. He fiddles with them often, like he's not used to them even though he's worn them his whole life.

Levi smiles a little more when a turtle glides across the glass, living its best life in there. It looks happy, at least.

I step up even closer to him and touch his arm to get his attention. He quickly hands it right over and looks down at me.

"What kind of fish is that?" I curiously ask, gesturing to a fish that looks like Dory.

"That," Levi looks at the fish. "Is Dory."

I laugh and wrap my arms around his, hugging him just by his arm. "Come on." I urge. "You know what it is, don't you?" I knowingly coax.

Levi nods. "Blue tang." He names the fish without a second thought.

I smile at the Dory. "Blue thing." I repeat.


I smile wider when he takes his hand out of his pocket. I'm still holding his left arm hostage, but he doesn't mind. He takes his hand out just to catch mine.

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