
I can't believe I let my opportunity slip out of my fingers again. I'm such a fucking idiot.

Maybe I would've been shot down, but I still could've tried. At this rate, I'll never even know what could be just because I didn't have the balls to even try to ask.

I've known Tessa since high school. Through Jasper, obviously. I've never actually known her personally, unfortunately.

Somehow, I still have managed to develop a crush. I had one conversation with her in high school and suddenly, I was hooked. Like an idiot.

I've only seen her a few times since high school ended and I've talked to her even less than that. The only reason I've been around her is through Jasper, but even then I'm not really around her.

More of I'm breathing the same general air as her while she happily grins in every direction that isn't mine.

And now I know why that is. She's in love with Jasper.

I always thought she might like him, but that was always something in the back of my mind. Having her confirm it in the car was surprising, to say the least. Also, a little appalling.

I don't even have a right to be upset about it, which makes things worse. I've never made that much of an effort to talk to her solely because I get all nervous and stupid around her. It's a wonder how she even remembers my name.

I've lost my chance to ask her out multiple times already. Pretty much every time I see her, actually. I should've done it a long time ago. Back in high school. It would've been smart to do it the moment I realized I had feelings for her.

But I'm a coward.

She followed me online, and I already have a conversation open with her from when she texted me about Jasper's birthday. All I have to do is open that conversation and ask her if she wants to get coffee, maybe. A movie. Dinner. Something.

But she likes Jasper and probably has for a long time, so I doubt she'd even be open to going out with me. Not to mention it's me who's asking her.

I've been told I dress like an college professor. I'm not sure I get what that means but that's what I'm told. I don't think it's a compliment either. They might be making fun of me, I'm not entirely sure.

Either way, I don't think Tessa is into guys who dress like college professors.

I glance to my right. "You think people are making fun of me when they say I dress like a college professor?" I ask.

Cheshire meows once with a seemingly leveled look.

My eyes narrow. "You're just hungry." I accuse, waving him off as I push myself up off the couch. Cheshire meows again, quickly following me towards his bowl in the corner. "But seriously." I continue like I'm having an actual conversation with this cat. "You think they're making fun of me?" I frown.

Cheshire pays me no mind once his food bowl is on the ground. I scrunch my nose at him, offended.

They're not making fun of me.

My attention drags away from Cheshire at the sound of my phone vibrating somewhere in my apartment. Groaning, I start the search.

My apartment is a little cluttered at the moment, which wouldn't be much of a problem if I learned how to remember where I set my phone at. Now I have to basically tear my apartment apart to find my vibrating phone.

It takes me six minutes to find my phone that's sitting simply on the counter beside the fridge. I roll my eyes at myself because I wasted so much time going through the couch cushions.

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