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Why should we never trust men? Well! I'll tell you why.

Because all they do is lie. They lie, and lie, and lie some more. It's what they were born to do.

Levi lied to me, so I'm researching how to properly house and care for a ferret.

And not because Levi kind of reminds me of a ferret, but because I've wanted a ferret since I was fourteen and now seems like a perfect time. I have time, my house is kind of lonely, and I'm in a great place financially for a friend.

As it turns out, that last look Levi and I shared was not an agreement that we were okay. It was, in fact, a final goodbye.

That jerk left before I woke up on Christmas morning. Apparently, he said goodbye to my parents and not me.

I have yet to receive a text message or phone call. It's the twenty-eighth. The third day after Christmas.


I'll be honest, I'm a little afraid to text him, so I haven't done that myself. But! He's the one who left before I could even wake up, so it's his job to text, not mine.

I mean, who shares a make out shesh with someone and then ghosts them? That's so rude. And completely uncalled for!

Worst thing is: I still have his fucking Christmas gift!

It's my birthday gift all over again. I can't bring myself to open it. This time, for a different reason.

I've been staring at it for three days now, still wondering what's inside the medium sized box. The plan was to open the gifts from each other together on Christmas morning, but he left before we could do that. Like an ass.

I'm half tempted to open it without him. Or maybe even never open it at all out of spite.

He probably opened mine already. He seemed to really like the little knickknack gifts my parents got him. I can't help but wonder if he liked mine.

I wanted to open ours in front of each other because my gift was mostly...a joke. At least the one I handed him was a joke. I have the real gift with me still.

But he wasn't there when I woke up, so I didn't get to give the actual gift to him. So...now all he has is the joke gift.

I shake my head at the gift on my bed, dismissing it for now when I remember I was doing something before I stopped to look at it. I turn away to leave my room and head for the bathroom, checking my hair.

I've wanted to make a few touch ups to my hair for a while now. I actually have the time for it, so that's what I'm doing for today. Then later on I'm pretty sure Luna's stopping by to hang out for a bit.

I'm not sure how long she'll be here though. If she brings Caden along, then she'll be here for dinner and maybe a movie afterwards. If not, then she'll either be here for dinner and a movie, or she'll be here for an entire week.

It's hard to tell sometimes.


As it turns out, dyeing your hair four months before your wedding isn't the best idea in the world. You'd think it is because of the wide time frame, but not really.

I take notes for later as I stare at Luna while she stares at herself in the mirror.

"Why would you do this to me?!" She squeals as she spins to me.

My jaw drops. "You asked me!"

"You should've said no!"

"I did!"

She pauses at that, stumped. I nod at her with a scoff.

Luna huffs and looks back at the mirror. "Fuck." She grumbles, running her hand through her newly bleached hair.

"It's not like you're going to get married with this." I dryly tell her. "We just had to bleach it so the color will stick, remember?"

Luna sighs. "Okay." She accepts. "Put the color in."

"Oh, I can't." I shake my head quickly.

She slowly looks over at me. "Why not?"

I scrunch my nose. "It's bad for your hair to do it back to back." I reason. "I mean, we could." I weakly offer, stepping closer to run my hand through her hair to at least feel the texture.

"Do it." Luna scowls at me now. I slowly pull my hand away. "No fucking way am I going home like this."

I frown. "Caden loves you—"

"Fuck him!" Luna gasps. "I have work tomorrow!" She yells, exasperated as she looks back at herself in the mirror. "Fix this!" She demands.

I purse my lips. "There's no need to yell at me." I grumble as I reach over to grab the box of plum hair dye.

It's not even a bad color. It'll actually look pretty great on Luna, maybe even match her wedding better.

Luna sighs and slumps in the seat I brought into the bathroom as I begin opening up the dye. "Hey, Tara texted you about another girl's night, right?" She asks, checking in.

I nod with a slightly scrunched nose. "Yeah...But I don't know if I'll go. Maybe next time."

Luna groans. "Oh, come on. It'll be fun." She insists.

"I'm sure it will be." I laugh to myself as I look down at my hands, slipping the gloves on. "But I honestly don't feel like going out this weekend." I admit. "I think I want to relax before I go back to work."

Luna huffs, unable to actually argue with me about it. "Fine." She accepts. "I wasn't going anyway." She grumbles.

I raise a brow with a growing smile. "You weren't?"

"No, I'm probably going."

I snort. "Have fun." I wave her off before I begin to mix the hair dye. "I'll be here taking my Christmas decorations down." I sigh deeply, not really looking forward to it.

They look pretty and all, but I refuse to be that one house that has their Christmas decorations up year-round.

I wonder if my neighbor and his brother are up for making a trip to the trash with my tree.

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