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My day crawls by agonizingly slow. I spend the entire day fact checking every little thing in Cassidy's book like she wanted.

She, apparently, didn't feel like hiring an actual editor.

It's out of my job description to help her tweak her book so in depth like this, but whatever. That's why Cassidy keeps coming back to me specifically.

Besides, I can't say I really mind it. I may complain about how slow my day goes, but I do like Cassidy and I'd like to help her however I can. Even if half the tasks she asks of me is out of my job description.

She at least offers to pay me for my time if I want. Which I don't actually take. I don't really need the money, I have enough that I really don't want in the first place. Besides, she's become a friend now. What I do are simple favors.

The entire day, I get to look down at my hands and see a pattern of black and red polish over my nails.

I make an unsatisfied face when I realize that by the end of the day, the very tips of the polish has already chipped.

How that happened so quickly, I have no idea.

I want to ask Tess and see if it's normal for it to chip so quickly, but I hesitate every time I open up our messages. This morning was a little...hectic to say the least. For one, we woke up late. Probably because every time my digital alarm went off, I reached around her and shut it off.

Well, not just me. Tess did it a couple of times too. It's not completely my fault.

We both agreed we should be up in time for her to head out. She wanted to be out at seven.

We didn't even get out of bed until eight.

To be fair, we were both comfortably curled up in my bed. Something I thought would never happen in a million years.

I shared the bed at my mom's place with her, but that isn't exactly my bed. That bed is different from the one in my apartment.

But, somehow, she ended up in my bed with me. I woke up to her curled up in front of me, her back flush against my front.

It took me a few moments to finally look over at the time on the clock before I shot up and quickly shook her awake.

We hardly talked after that. Our morning was mostly us running around my apartment trying to get ready for our very late day. Tess yelled some sort of goodbye to me before she ran out the door.

Even though I got in trouble for being late to the office, I still smile to myself as I think about it all.

I sigh quietly as I stare at my hand on my keyboard for a minute. "She wasn't lying." I hum to myself, mildly impressed as I look to my other hand.

The colors do go nicely together.





I nod to myself with a smile. "It'll be great, Cassidy." I assure.

"It'll be great." She repeats to herself. But she sounds unsure.

I laugh to myself. "Seriously. I think this will be fine." I insist, leaning back in my seat as I watch my computer screen.

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