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I've never actually celebrated Christmas with anyone. Not like this, anyway.

It's weird to sit in a room full of people, chatter, and laughter. I've never been around so many people and felt so...comfortable. Happy.

I say nothing while I sit on the couch beside Tess. I don't need to say anything. The conversation flows smoothly without me needing to add anything.

While the talking continues, I begin to feel Tess's hands on me. No one else notices when she takes my hand and starts playing with it. I look over and watch her quietly.

I can't tell what she's doing. She doesn't look at me or my hand in her lap. She keeps her eyes on everyone else in the room, smiling and contributing to the conversation.

Her hands slowly begin moving around mine. I keep still while she lightly drags her fingers along my knuckles. It's almost ticklish.

"Tess," I whisper, confused. I can't tell what she's doing or why she's doing it.

I don't want to admit I have feelings for the way she does it. I swallow when she drags her finger lightly across the rest of the back of my hand, tracing a vein now.

It sparks a reaction I don't need in front of a room full of her family.

"Mm?" Tess looks over at me, whispering back since she knows I don't want the attention that might come with a loud conversation.

"What're you doing?" I whisper, my eyes darting down to my hand in her lap. I try not to bring attention to myself as I shift in my seat.

Tess smiles slowly. That mischievous little smile. She's up to something and now I know it.

My eyes fall back down when I feel her start reaching across me. Her hand lands on my thigh to keep her balanced as she reaches for her purse that's sandwiched between me and the armrest of the couch.

I let out a breath when she digs for a second then happily shows me red and green nail polish.

Fuck. Why am I like this? It's Christmas and we're surrounded by her family.

Tess giggles quietly to herself as she opens up the red polish. "So, pattern here." She pokes my thumb, middle finger, and pinkie. Then moves to the other side. "And here." She pokes the opposite fingers.

"Do what you want." I agree with a quiet sigh. As if I could argue with her about this.

Tess grins and immediately starts. I sit as still as I can, knowing that if I mess her up, she'll be pissed.

Tess's dad, Pete, sits up in his seat. I instinctively look over at him, horrified to see him watching us closely.

I fear he's been watching us this whole time. While I watched her obliviously.

"What the hell are you doing to him?"

Tess quickly looks back at her dad. I sink in my seat when the rest of the room's conversation pauses to look over at us.

Tess smiles. "Making him pretty." She proudly answers.

"And you're just...letting her." Mitch makes a face as he tilts his head at me. Like he can't fathom why I'd even consider letting her do this.

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