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I've always loved touch. Cuddling, hand holding, hugs, even little grazes of touch to remind me a second person is with me.

Levi understands this about me. Wordlessly, he understands. He keeps me cuddled up at his side. He even put me here himself.

The only problem is, we seem to have been having different times of sleeping.

Levi is ready for bed before I am. When he tells me, I tell him I'm going to stay and watch some more tv. He hesitates, but ultimately ends up heading to his bedroom without me.

But before he gets up from the couch he kisses me. I almost don't feel it. I don't even think he realizes I know it when he presses his lips softly against the top of my head, but I do.

And I love it instantly.

Cheshire stays on the couch with me while Levi shuffles on down the hall. I sigh quietly and look over at him while he bumps his head up against my hand.

I pucker my lips and make a few kissy noises at Cheshire while I pet him softly. He happily pushes up against my hand.

We hang out together for a while. I choose to reach over and change the tv show, knowing I started this with Levi.

He seemed interested, so I leave the episode where we were at and choose a different show for now.

Cheshire seems interested in this new one. I decide that it's ours now.

We get about five episodes into this new show before suddenly the show takes a turn. I slowly reach over to cover Cheshire's eyes when the kissing scene between two characters starts to get a little heated.

But the kissing does remind me of a little something.

I look over at Levi's shelf. Pretty much immediately, I spot My Grey Love. Even from this distance, I zero in on that harmless looking spine in the middle of his shelf.

Cheshire watches me with these judgy little eyes as I get up and walk over to retrieve the book. He does nothing to stop me though, so whatever.

The tv show is still going in the background as I drop down on the couch and pull my legs up on the cushions. I almost hesitate as I slowly flip to chapter sixteen.

Last I left off, Millie had just let Jace inside her apartment. I think she was getting him a water when he came up behind her and pinned her against the counter with her back against his front.

Sure enough, that's how it goes when I catch up on the chapter. I take a deep breath and stare at the words on the pages, way too curious.

I read along more than I did when I ended up putting the book down.

Cassidy Robinson is a good writer. She has a way of describing things...in detail. Such clear detail it makes me blink for than a few times.

I swallow thickly as my eyes dart between the book and the tv, torn between keeping in touch with the tv and reading detailed smut.

I send an apologetic look to Cheshire as I reach over to turn on a little lamp Levi has on a table beside the couch before I grab the remote to turn the tv off.

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