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Luna told me I'd be in charge of pretty much everything as the maid of honor.

When she told me that, I was stupidly under the impression that I'd be in charge of pretty much everything.

Eve, Luna's last bridesmaid, does almost everything before I can even think about it.

I almost feel a sense of respect for it since I'm pretty on top of everything having to do with this wedding. Eve still somehow manages to do half of my job before I can.

Luna sends me a wide eyed look every time she sees something Eve did that I should've been the one to do it.

Neither of us can do anything about it though since Luna was sort of blackmailed into having Eve in her wedding. Old family stuff, I guess.

We decide to ignore Eve's efforts and simply thank her when she comes to tell us she's finished something. It all needs to be done anyway. It doesn't matter who does it so long as it's done fast and right.

When it's time to start walking, I end up going before Eve—Which has been the idea since the beginning.

The idea has been for me to go first, then Cass, then Eve, and then Luna with her brother. And, luckily, that's how this goes.

While I'm walking though, I can't help but look over to find Levi. When I do, I grin stupidly at him the exact way Luna told me not to.

'They're taking pictures constantly,' She warned. 'There will be documentation of your dumbass smile. Do not do it.'

I do it anyway and watch happily as Levi smiles back at me. It's a glorious sight, and I hope and pray that photographers get enough pictures of it.

Once we all get up to the alter, we stand off to the side. I'm given a good view of pretty much all of the guests and immediately start looking for familiar faces. Almost forgotten ones too.

A couple of seats down from Levi sits Jasper. Right beside Jasper is Tara. Just one row behind them is Leland Collins, Gabe Hall, and a few more friends from high school that I remember Luna hanging out with.

Meanwhile, soft music plays while Luna and her brother walk calmly down the white carpet that's been rolled out down the aisle.

He leans in to whisper something to her just as he leaves her at the alter. Whatever he says makes her half frown half smile. His smile is soft as he steps away to find his seat beside his mom and other sister.

The ceremony begins just moments after Luna is situated in front of her soon-to-be husband. That gives me, like, ten seconds to lean down and fix the train of the dress before it all happens.

It's hard not to shed a few tears while your best friend since middle school stands in front of her dream partner in a pretty white dress looking absolutely flawless. But I manage it.

Because my mascara costed way too much to be simple mascara, and I am not fucking it up today.

And I won't even get into the price of my foundation.


The sound of a cork popping fills the room just before an eruption of celebration rings out.

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