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Cheshire and I both sit on the ground side by side, staring and waiting.

Cat food begins pouring out of the black tube abruptly. Both of us jump, caught off guard. Cheshire quickly hurries to the bowl.

"Huh," I murmur, more curious about the way the food timer works than he is. He was just sitting here waiting because he knew it'd happen soon.

I make a mental note to ask Levi if he knows how that works. He probably does since he uses it every day for his cat.

With a sigh, I begin getting up off the floor while Cheshire gobbles up his food like he's been starving all day. But I'm pretty sure Levi filled his bowl up before he left this morning.

Levi also left me something this morning which was pretty cool to find. It was a folded up note on the nightstand beside the bed. He wrote my name on it to make sure I knew it was for me and wasn't just there.

In the note he said he'd text me if he wasn't afraid I'd wake up with the sound, so a physical note is what he chose to avoid it. I smiled at that, finding it sweet that he was concerned about it.

He reminded me that it was cool if I wanted to stay, but just repeated that he wouldn't be home until late. He said that if I was staying a little while, that I didn't need to do any chores.

I did whatever dishes he had in the sink anyway, deciding it's only fair since I made some pancakes for breakfast like he said I could do.

I want to stay here until he gets back tonight just to spend some more time with him before we part ways. We didn't actually get to hang out that much last night, so I'm hoping we can get some more time in before it's time for me to go.

Even though he told me more than once that it was fine if I stayed longer, I can't help but feel a little nervous that he'll come home, see me, and be annoyed that I'm still here.

But I also would feel weird if I leave for now and then come back later with the spare key he told me to use to lock up.

That feels like a bit too much to be coming and going as I please.

We texted a little bit this morning, but his texts began to get slower, so I stopped since I realized he's probably busy at work exactly like he said he was. It's rude to keep bothering him.

I've tried to not make myself too comfortable while sitting on his couch and watching Easy A, but it's hard. Especially when I notice more of his books that are a bit jumbled around at the moment.

It's not like I enjoy cleaning. On a good day, I'll enjoy it while some of my favorite songs are playing in the background, but I won't get up in the morning and grin at the thought of the sweet, sweet smell of Clorox wipes.

I do feel the mild urge to get up and pick up a few of his books though.

He told me I didn't have to do anything. I still feel useless and kind of disrespectful to just sit here all day in a house that isn't mine watching tv.

I huff as I get up from the couch. When I do, Cheshire strolls on into the room. He finished his food quick, and I don't doubt he finished it all.

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