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My knuckles begin to turn white as I harshly grip the steering wheel. I almost drive over the curb making the turn into the long driveway.

I can hear the yelling before I even open the goddamn door. I don't bother with worrying about the heavy rain I'm standing in as I open it.

I don't know when or why Bryce got here, but it doesn't matter right now. All that matters is my mother who called me just minutes ago with a trembling voice, asking me where I am.

The harsh sound of the slamming door behind me doesn't even stop those two from screaming at each other. They probably don't even notice it.

I storm through the house, not bothering to follow the sound of their yelling just yet. I'll deal with it in a minute.

I softly tap my knuckles against the door to my mom's office before I carefully open the door. It's her safe space, I assume that's where she'd be.

And it is. She looks up at me from her spot behind her desk. She frowns at me, afraid. Understandably so.

I'd be pretty scared myself if there were people screaming at the top of their fucking lungs in my home.

"Levi, there you are." She huffs. She doesn't stand from her safe space at her desk.

I step further into the room. "Are you okay?" I ask her softly, stopping right in front of her desk.

"Why're they yelling?" She points towards the door. "That woman and Bryce."

"Charlie." I remind. "I don't know yet, Mom. I'm going to try to figure it out." I assure. "Do you need something?"

"Peace and quiet." She reaches over to grab a pen with a trembling hand. "I'm trying to work." Mom adds with a weak huff.

I nod. "I'll get them to quiet down." I promise, already backing up towards the door. "Come get me if you need anything." I add. Mom only hums at me, so I step out of the room and shut the door softly behind me.

I've tried to be patient. Understanding of both of their feelings. I've done my best to keep the peace. I knew at some point, this was going to happen.

They need a chance to hash it out. They can't avoid each other forever. The anger of the situation still courses through my body to my very limit. They come into her house and choose to have their screaming match. As if there wasn't a very confused and frightened woman in the house with them.

Never mind the fact that I just had to leave Tess alone in a park after not seeing her for weeks because of them. This anger isn't about me and Tess. Not right now, at least. It will be in a minute.

I find them in the living room. I say nothing as I stand in the doorway, watching from afar as my brother stands on one side of the coffee table, Charlie on the other.

I don't try to figure out what they're even arguing about. I just stand here with my arms crossed and wait for them to notice me.

Luckily, it doesn't take long. After Bryce notices me and stops yelling, Charlie does too. She follows his frozen gaze over to me.

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