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It's twelve in the afternoon. I was supposed to leave three hours ago.

But, of course, I couldn't. I couldn't just leave. Not while Tess was fast asleep right beside me.

I woke up at eight automatically and figured I'd just wait a bit for her to wake up. But while I waited, I sort of just fell back asleep.

The universe gave me a second chance. I woke up at nine. That's when I wanted to be out. I should've just left.

But while I slept that extra hour, Tess rolled over towards me. She decided to lay her head right on my arm.

If I move, I'll wake her up. I lay here for hours, not daring to move even when pins and needles start poking around in my arm.

I shouldn't have stayed the night much less shared a bed with her. This is not moving on. This is actually the opposite.

I can't help it. It's the way she looked at me that broke me. That silent question she was asking me, her eyes begging me to stay a little while longer. To be her friend.

How could I have possibly said no to her?

I need to get up soon. Tess is only just barely waking up. It's twelve in the afternoon, I didn't realize she could sleep in so late.

She looks confused for a few seconds when her eyes flutter open and she squints at me. She shuts her eyes again with a deep breath. "Hi." Tess mumbles sleepily.

"Hello." I return, curling my hand into a fist behind her in a weak attempt to keep the feeling in my arm.

"What time is it?"

I grimace. "Twelve twenty-two."

Her eyes quickly open at that. She blinks at me and shoots up to look over at her digital alarm clock beside her bed. "Oh, shit." She blurts. Tess looks back at me with wide eyes. "You have to go."

"Yeah." I don't sit up.

Meanwhile, Tess is rolling out of bed like she's the one in a hurry. "Why didn't you wake me?" She stands beside the bed and tucks her short hair behind both ears.

"You looked so peaceful."

Tess scoffs at that. "Well, hurry up and get up." She coaxes. "God—You said you'd leave even if I wasn't wake." She shakes her head at me.

"You were on my arm." I weakly reason. She squints at me as if she thinks I'm stupid.

I really could've just slipped away from her. It might've woken her up, but Tess knew I was going to leave.

"Get up, idiot." Tess laughs, clapping at me to get up. She's more awake than I am, and I've been awake for hours.

I sigh heavily as I slowly sit up on my elbows. "I don't want to." I admit. I really don't want to.

I haven't seen my brother in years. Charlie doesn't want to see him either. I seriously don't want to do this.

Tess frowns at me. "It'll be okay." She assures. "Maybe it'll be nice to see your brother again." She suggests.

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