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I frown at the target ahead of me. "So, what's the goal here?" I mumble as I glance back at Jasper.

I know what we're supposed to be doing, but I always need a bit of a reminder whenever I get out here.

"Hit the target."

I stare. "You mean the target that is shaped like a human person?"

"That's the one." Jasper's busy loading a gun like he's a fucking pro at it.

I sigh as I look back at the one I was given. "Why're we doing this again?" I ask for the umpteenth time.

Jasper groans. "Levi, we've been over this."

"One more time?"

He rolls his eyes with a huff. "We're working on your coordination." He begins again. I nod slowly. "And your ability to protect yourself."

"Oh, I have Cheshire for that." I quickly assure him.

Jasper's eyes narrow. "Okay—That is why you're single." He informs.

I frown. "I don't think—"

"Hurry up and load the gun." Jasper grumbles, nodding towards my gun.


"Look, Tess likes this stuff." Jasper blurts out. "Don't you wanna impress her?" He nods towards the target.

I deflate. "She does?"

"Uh—Yeah." Jasper scoffs. "Dude, she told me about the ice skating." He dryly informs. "You need this." He insists.

My expression falls. "She told you about that?"

Jasper nods. "Yeah. She tells me everything, man. I'm her best friend." He reasons with a shrug. "And I thought I asked you not to date her." He lowers his voice as he leans in closer.

I shake my head. "It wasn't a date." I wanted it to be, but it wasn't. "I just wanted to go and didn't want to go alone." I shrug softly. "She told me I could talk to her whenever I wanted so.."

That's not the whole truth but I can't tell Jasper why I asked her to go with me.

Jasper sighs as he shakes his head. "All right—whatever then." He dismisses. "Just...back off a bit, okay? Please." He mumbles. His eyes drift off from me, like he knows what he's asking me of is wrong.

I watch him closely. "Jasper, I thought you loved Tara—"

"I do." Jasper cuts in before I'm even finished. "Come on, Levi." He tries again.

"Why?" I blurt. "Do you like her? Or do you just..." I pause and frown. "What, is it me? You just don't like me for her?"

Jasper pinches his nose bridge. "It's not that." He mutters. "Look, let's just do this, okay?" He drops his hand from his face and gestures to the targets. "We haven't hung out in a while. Just you and me." He reasons with a soft shrug.

I nod slowly at that and slowly look back to the gun I had to sign a bunch of papers for. Truthfully, I don't even want to be holding it. The constant loud popping around me makes me want to step outside for a breath of fresh air.

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