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Chapter Four

    Yunqiu used to like Xiao Wenshui very much.

    Early intervention for autism is particularly important. Missing the intervention before the age of three, even if Yunqiu did DNA repair later, it still left serious sequelae.

    Before Xiao Xunqiu was sent away, he and Xiao Wenshui tried many ways to intervene later. Most of these methods are rewarding. For example, once Yunqiu can correctly assemble a comic book, he can eat an extra candy after dinner, and vice versa.

    At the beginning, Yunqiu did not do well, often asked Xiao Xunqiu for candies but failed, and then lost his temper.

    Yunqiu's train of thought was this: he only knew that he wanted candy, but Xiao Xunqiu refused him. The feedback mechanism in his mind was not fully established, and he couldn't understand Xiao Xunqiu's meaning of "you have to finish this thing yesterday before you can eat candy".

    This line of thinking, more or less, has been preserved until now.

    For example, a doctor, even though Yunqiu knows that the doctor is treating him for his own good, but this does not prevent him from preferring Xiao Wenshui who is responsive to him.

    The person in charge of him may not be a bad person, Yunqiu knew it a long time ago. But no one told him that people who treat him well may not be good people.

    Xiao Wenshui pampered him, mostly because he was lazy, because he didn't spend a lot of time on him, and he wouldn't put on glasses like Xiao Xunqiu, stay up late to watch documentaries on AS patients, and then excitedly look for him the next day. Yunqiu tried. It took him more than ten years to recognize this fact: Yunqiu is not well taught and raised well, and no one will ever set foot in his world. This is also the cruelty of children with autism. .

    In the first few years when Xiao Xunqiu left, Yunqiu was almost liberated, and no one cared about him doing anything wrong at home. He was ignorant, and Xiao Wenshui didn't care. Give him a multifunctional robot, enough money, and Yunqiu can get whatever he wants.

    He was getting busier and busier. He used to live with Yunqiu, but gradually he came back every few days. Later, he stopped coming back and moved to a house near the Union Company. He came to visit him at the beginning of every month. . When he came, he just sat down and left. Seeing that Yun Qiu was still watching cartoons quietly, he didn't ask any questions, and handed him the dessert he brought.

    After Yunqiu finished eating, he also left.

    So under such circumstances, Yunqiu's stomach was ruined from drinking iced milk, and he was once admitted to the intensive care unit.

    He has an extremely weak immune system and is lactose intolerant. The two brothers of the Xiao family used to only feed him Shuhua milk and goat milk, but when Yunqiu bought snacks by himself, he only saw that the milk looked the same as the goat milk he drank, and didn't know the difference.

    This incident directly caused Xiao Wenshui to miss three important meetings. After this time, Xiao Wenshui called the doctor and asked him to accompany Yunqiu all day.

    At that time, Yunqiu woke up from the anesthesia and felt very happy to see Xiao Wenshui's gloomy face. He called him: "Brother."

    He mistook him again. "Big brother" is called Xiao Xunqiu, and "big brother" is used to call Xiao Wenshui.

    "Omegas are all so squeamish, or is he just so squeamish?" Xiao Wenshui spoke, but not with him, he was asking the doctor outside.

    The doctor looked at the patients he would receive for the rest of his life through the sterile partition, and smiled reassuringly: "That's right, sir, he is still young, so you have to be patient with him."

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