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Chapter Twelve

    Outside the villa area is a multi-layered and complicated three-dimensional street. As soon as Yunqiu came out, he was fascinated by it.

    The Union Center has a large population and is prosperous. The reason why the air rail and urban traffic can be maintained in a clean and uncrowded area until now is all due to spending money and resources. Tens of millions of three-dimensional space networks have been built, which is almost extravagant The point of extreme desire.

    And the achievements of all these are inseparable from the generations of the Xiao family. In the public survey, the intended candidate for the Prime Minister of the Alliance has always been occupied by people from the Xiao family, but no one from the Xiao family is in politics. They have been able to build their own business empire just by doing business, killing more than half of the economic lifeline and core technology in the alliance.

     What's even more strange is that Xiao's name is not well known, DAN modification technology, non-destructive cell freezing technology, space ray research... Based on these three things alone, Xiao's has been well-known in the scientific research circle and is considered to have made great contributions to mankind. The only thing they are criticized by people, I am afraid that only the public has heard, is that the bloody selection method of the Xiao family's dictatorship is inhumane and extremely cruel.

    Every time the Xiao family changes, it is big news that can hit the headlines. Who owns the position of Prince Xiao's is also a topic that everyone is talking about. As long as Xiao Wenshui thinks about it, he is almost omnipotent. Whoever he wants to monitor, the whole city will become his eyeliner.

    Yunqiu walked out of the gate of the villa complex, looked at it for a long time full of joy, and wanted to walk on the road across the sky that he saw above his head, but he couldn't find the entrance.

    He hugged the little bear, looked around, and saw a bus stop sign in the distance, so he walked over.

    Most of the cartoons he watched were watched by preschool children, including the function of helping children build social knowledge. For example, when crossing the road and looking at traffic lights, such as getting on and off the car and acting politely. Interfering educational films for AD patients can be almost zero, but for Yunqiu, they are far less useful than for children of this age.

    Yunqiu's living environment is too special. For others, such cartoons are to let them understand social etiquette and rules. For Yunqiu, what he learned is "there are traffic lights on the streets outside". "Look for a big stop sign when you take a car." Although they were all plain and jerky, they were still enough for Yunqiu, who was going out for the first time.

    Yunqiu found the bus stop sign.

    Few people in this area will take the bus, and there are drivers who will pick them up when they travel. Yunqiu stood there for a while, waiting for a car to arrive, but didn't get in.

    He didn't know what to do when he got in the car, because there was no one else around who could let him follow suit.

    There were not many people in the car, and the driver stopped and opened the door, but no one wanted to get out. The driver saw Yun Qiu from above, and asked casually, "Should we go?"

    Yun Qiu was startled suddenly, his heart beat faster, he shook his head a little helplessly, and walked away subconsciously, towards the bus stop sign. Hid behind.

    After the car drove away, it took Yunqiu a long time to walk back, sweating all over from nervousness.

    The surroundings were too deserted, and Yunqiu didn't understand that he could go outside to find the next stop sign and see how others got on the bus. The stereotypes he learned in the animation made him think that there are only two stops in the world: the beginning and the end.

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