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Chapter Fifty-Three

    Yunqiu was confused, and felt that Xiao Wenshui's suggestion could be adopted, so he chose the name "Lin Qiushui".

    His reason was as follows: "Although asking about water sounds nice, but this way everyone will not be able to distinguish me from big brother you. This name has Qiu and water, which means that we two are married."

    Yun Qiu I don't know where I learned a set of Internet rhetoric, and proudly announced that he and Xiao Wenshui's "Qiu Shui" CP was officially established, and it has been officially recognized, buying stocks is not a loss or a scam.

    On the second day after returning home, Yunqiu was woken up early in the morning by Xiao Wenshui to eat.

    Yunqiu was still very sleepy - last night Xiao Wenshui pressed him on the sofa and leaned against the window sill, tossing and tossing for a long time, and finally he didn't even know when he fell asleep.

    He was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, curled up in his arms, muttering like a milk cat: "Wake me up later, no other Omega will like you if you are like this."

    Xiao Wenshui leaned over to kiss him, pinched his nose and kissed him, and gently pried open his sweet lips and teeth, Yunqiu was suffocated awake, staring at him with sleepy eyes. water light.

    Xiao Wenshui pulled him up, hugged him in his arms, put him beside the bed, and urged him to change his clothes: "Go to the amusement park early, and I will take you to watch the sunrise on the Ferris wheel."

    He even counted the time, and told Yun Qiu: "You do the math, the sunrise here is about a quarter past six, and the Ferris wheel completes a full circle for an hour. When will we sit on it so that we can just see the sunrise?"

    Yun Qiu was in a In the impatience of being woken up, a pillow was thrown over, and he rushed over to beat and beat: "Don't give me a question! I finished writing my question yesterday! You know I'm stupid, so give me a question."     He felt wronged started to get dressed. With a smile in his eyes, Xiao Wenshui led him into the kitchen after he finished dressing and washing, and also asked him to be responsible for making Xiao Xiaolang's dog food and dealing with the traces of Xiao Xiaolang's profligate urination. And he cooked Yunqiu the sliced ​​noodles left over from yesterday.

    Yun Qiu was so sleepy that he couldn't even walk after eating, he just wanted to sit on a chair and fall asleep. Xiao Wenshui dragged him out again, and when he got into the car, the sky outside was still dark blue.

    Xiao Wenshui turned on the automatic driving system and headed to the amusement park. Yun Qiu crawled over and wanted to take a nap in his arms, so he hugged him and quietly let him fall asleep in his arms.

    Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the playground. Xiao Wenshui pinched Yunqiu's face and said, "Here we are.

    " The cold wind blew a bit, and shivered all over. Xiao Wenshui took off his coat and put it on for him, then took his hand and walked towards the Ferris wheel project.

    This amusement park is also owned by Xiao's family. It usually opens at 8:00 in the morning. At this moment, the playground in the playground is only open to the two of them. Yunqiu gradually became excited, and said to Xiao Wenshui: "It's not yet dawn! Big brother."

    Xiao Wenshui said: "Look at the road, don't fall." The

    vast playground was empty, and they Two time travelers who seem to have strayed into the doomsday city. In the silent dark blue, the Ferris wheel in front of him suddenly lit up—all the lighting facilities were turned on, like a huge circular stream light slowly appearing in front of the eyes, making the water ripple in the eyes.

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