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Chapter Twenty Two

    Yunqiu soon noticed that this incident seemed not as sweet as it was on TV. In the scene he saw outside, it seemed that the alpha food was delicious, and the Omega side was fascinated, but in his place, the only thing he felt was choking, and there was no taste at all.

    The little reindeer who left home alone for the first time looked for the stream in the forest, carefully, but found that the milk was not as sweet as the mother's milk, the soft tongue went in and retracted, but did not expect that there was a storm under the calm water.

    He wanted to get out and evacuate, but he couldn't do it.

    Xiao Wenshui's attack was menacing, Yun Qiu didn't even catch the fleeting surprise in his eyes, and was bewildered.

    Xiao Wenshui pressed the back of his neck, turned against the guest, and forced him to continue with calm and indifferent coercion, which made Yunqiu's eyes redder and redder, and he didn't even have time to speak, the whole person whimpered and wanted to escape, but all He was imprisoned by Xiao Wenshui again and again, like he was choking a fish that was wandering around.

    Finally, when Yun Qiu was about to twitch and start crying again, Xiao Wenshui let go of him, and looked over with a half-smile, "Where did you learn it?"

    Yun Qiu felt wronged, and refused to speak, and didn't want to talk to him. This wasn't the first time he had cheated but failed to reciprocate - he originally wanted to make Xiao Wenshui happy, but in the end he was completely suppressed from taking the initiative, and Xiao Wenshui didn't look too happy either.

    He didn't speak, and Xiao Wenshui didn't continue talking to him. He untied the clothes on his body, got out of bed and walked outside. But when he just stepped out of bed, Yun Qiu thought he was leaving again, and shouted, "You are not allowed to go to work!"

    Xiao Wenshui paused, and saw Yunqiu rushing towards him, followed him out of bed, and wanted to hang on him in aggrieved manner. Xiao Wenshui caught him, stripped off his clothes without any hassle, picked up the naked boy, and the two of them walked out crookedly and stumbled. Yunqiu thought he couldn't stop him anymore, so he begged him: "Big brother, don't you go to work, okay? Just, just mess with me like yesterday, okay?"

    Xiao Wenshui summoned the robot slowly, Glancing at him: "How did you mess with you?"

    Yun Qiu didn't know that he was deliberately teasing him, but felt that Xiao Wenshui was too stupid and had a poor memory, so he explained to him seriously: "That is, like yesterday on the sofa, using your hands... ..."

    Before he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Wenshui bent over to open the robot's transfer cabinet, and took out a transparent film-shaped thing from it. It is clearly stated in the documentary that this is a condom.

    Yunqiu suddenly understood what Xiao Wenshui meant, knowing that he had made a mistake, so he stopped talking, a little nervous, and looked at him shyly.

    Xiao Wenshui rubbed his face smoothly, and carried him back to the bed. Yun Qiu knew that what he was expecting was about to come true, so he just lay down quietly, preparing for what Xiao Wenshui wanted to do to him, and he let him do it.

    Xiao Wenshui patted him lightly, "Don't be lazy, get up and do it yourself, let me see how you learn."

    Yunqiu was photographed by him, but he didn't dare to do anything to Xiao Wenshui, He just looked at him timidly, not knowing what to do next. Xiao Wenshui lay down contentedly, his gaze was very calm.

    Yunqiu vaguely felt that he was being bullied by him again, but couldn't find any evidence. His eyes lingered between Xiao Wenshui's hand and the hot, hard thing, and finally he got angry, and started to do it himself, not looking away from Xiao Wenshui. The smell of his pheromone was completely hooked by Xiao Wenshui, it was a sweet fragrance, not greasy, a bit like a mixture of flowers and fruits.

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