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Chapter Forty-Nine

    Yunqiu especially likes small animals, especially the furry ones. The bear that the doctor brought him can quickly capture his favor, which is an example.

    However, before he was thirteen years old, he had a susceptible constitution, and there were countless things that could cause him allergies. The doctor strangled him to death and forbade him to keep anything. Yunqiu could only think about it.

    Later, he recovered from his illness, and his health improved a lot. Yun Qiu didn't mention this matter either. Because he knows that the adults in the family love to be clean, and raising a small animal may be a troublesome thing. Xiao Wenshui is so busy, raising him is already very tiring, let alone raising cats and dogs.

    Yun Qiu was so happy that he almost couldn't help going out to run around excitedly, but he restrained himself and finally just sent a message to Wen Cunrui: "I may not be able to come and play with you on weekends, wait for you I’ll come to you again when I’m back from a business trip! I have a dog at home, and I want to go home and look after the dog!

    ” Wen Cunrui was surprised: “Hey, do you still have a dog? What breed? I have a golden retriever at home. The one who demolished the house might be able to find a partner for it.”

    Yun Qiu said reservedly: “Well, I don’t know what our dog looks like yet.”

    With such expectations, Yun Qiu happily It's his weekend.

    As early as Friday night, he couldn't sit still, and even asked the doctor and Xiao Xunqiu whether he could go home tonight, but unfortunately, after many reports, his proposal was finally rejected by the other half. Xiao Wenshui from a city vetoed it: "It's too early, you won't see the puppy when you come back now, I'm still getting it vaccinated."

    Yunqiu said on the phone: "Then remember to vaccinate it gently, Puppies are very afraid of pain."

    The next morning, Yunqiu got up before 5:30, and then started calling Xiao Wenshui in a series of life-threatening calls. Every five minutes, he had to call Xiao Wenshui. If Xiao Wenshui didn't answer, he would wait for a while and then call again.

    When Xiao Wenshui answered the call until six o'clock, his voice was still full of sleepiness: "Huh?"

    When Yun Qiu heard his voice, he knew that he was still sleeping, so he hurriedly beat him: "Big brother, you should come and pick me up! The other children have grown up to pick me up, so you should pick me up too. "

    Other children are not as noisy as you, and you are already eighteen, an adult." Xiao Wenshui's voice sounded lazy, "I'm coming right now, what do you want to eat?"

    Yun Qiu After thinking for a while: "Big Brother, I can treat you to the cafeteria."

    Xiao Wenshui said, "Then I will treat you to our cafeteria, and you can sleep for another half hour."

    Yunqiu was very obedient, and said softly Xiao Wenshui said: "Okay." Xiao Wenshui smiled lightly on the other end and said, "Sweetie."

    Xiao Wenshui actually brought him things from the company cafeteria, a chicken and ham sandwich and a cup of dessert. milk.

    He didn't ask his assistant and driver to follow him today. As soon as he got the car close to the school gate, he saw a familiar figure——Yun Qiu was holding a bear, dressed up, waiting at the main entrance of the Medical University, looking around for his license plate number.

    When Xiao Wenshui saw him, Yun Qiu also spotted him, and wanted to run over immediately, but because of the temporary traffic lights on the road section, there was no way to rush over, and Xiao Wenshui walked on the one-way street on the other side.

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