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Chapter Forty-Two

    Yunqiu walked out of this bustling office area, not knowing where to go. He didn't want to go back to school, but he didn't have the keys to his home—to be precise, he didn't even remember the address and location of his original home, nor did he know the names of the surrounding places. He was like a lost animal, lost his sense of smell and hearing, and his eyes were full of sour grievances.

    Then he remembered that he still had a bear, so he walked to the bus stop and got on the bus back to school.

    Yunqiu has never heard of such proverbs as "the house leaks when it rains overnight" or "it's unlucky to drink cold water and your teeth will be stuffed", but he did encounter it today-the bus was blocked for a long time on the way car, and when night fell, it collided with a small space car. This minor accident resulted in everyone being left somewhere between the suburbs and the city, right next to the construction zone.

    All the people in the car got off and got eight times the compensation of the city bus fare.

    One after another, some people called their homes and asked their close lovers and friends to come and pick them up. Some grandpas also called for a taxi space car and took a taxi. Some people chose to walk because their destination was not far away.

    But Yunqiu didn't know what to do.

    His mobile phone was out of battery, and he couldn't make an appointment for a space car. Now he couldn't even see the map. There is a contact function on the ID card, but Yunqiu doesn't want to call anyone.

    He would not call Xiao Wenshui. The doctor and Xiao Xunqiu will not be hit, because what happened today is that they jointly told Xiao Wenshui and condemned him for skipping class. Adults are so cruel and unreasonable, he doesn't want to talk to them.

    He just squatted on the side of the road sadly, watching the people around him leave one by one. Others, like him, were sitting on the curb, silently swiping their phones. After an hour passed, he was the only one left.

    It was completely dark.

    Sporadic insects sounded around, Yunqiu squatted for a while, then began to feel sad again, crying tears. He cried too much today, his whole body was exhausted, his throat was already choked with bursts of pain, and even breathing was a bit uncomfortable.

    "Mr. Xiao, the young master is crying. Are we going to send him back to school now?"

    There was a crackling sound in the communicator, and there was a long silence on the other side, and then he said softly, "No need."

    "... Sir!" The driver and assistant who went out obviously couldn't stand it anymore, and there was a slight dissatisfaction in their tone, "There is no one in the wilderness, and it is five kilometers away from the school. It is impossible for the young master to walk back. It will be early morning after two hours."

    "He has learned the basics of calling the police, and he should know what to do in this situation. Not every time someone will pick him up in the future. The easiest way is to ask the bus driver for help. It is not difficult to borrow a mobile phone from other people. If he can't do it, ask the school to send him an emergency drill course."

    Communication was cut off.

    Yunqiu was still crying, he was hungry and tired, and the wound was still in constant pain. He kept squatting on the side of the road, with his hands wrapped around his knees, and his head buried in his arms, as if he was asleep. Wake up a little.     The driver parked the car on the side of the road, 20 to 30 meters away from Yunqiu

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