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Chapter Eighty-Four

    At eight o'clock in the evening the next day, Xiao Wenshui drove to the cake shop where Yunqiu was working on time.

    The person who replaced Yunqiu on duty came early today, Yunqiu got off work early, and walked out of the shop to wait according to the time. He looked up at the sky, the moon halo was heavy, and the air was faintly condensed with dull water vapor, as if it was going to rain, and the wind was blowing in waves.

    Yunqiu opened the weather forecast and looked at it, and found that the interface that showed no rain at night yesterday had now changed to "Rain".

    It's raining, so it's not suitable to go for a walk with Xiao Xiaolang. Yunqiu opened the contacts on the mobile phone, found Xiao Wenshui's text message, hesitated for a while, and turned off the phone.

    The message "It might rain tonight, don't come for a walk with Xiao Xiaolang." It still hasn't been sent out.

    The rules and regulations in the "Handbook for Broken Relationships", he has violated the ban many times, and he doesn't care about doing it again. Now he is like a kid secretly doing tricks behind the teacher's back in class, but he himself doesn't know why he does it.

    It was just a coincidence, he just waited quietly. He held a schoolbag in his arms, and while he was waiting, he used the lights in the store and the street lamps to look at the paintings corrected by the teacher today. Those with problems and those that were praised were read again and again, and then remembered in his heart .

    Yunqiu is a very smart student. This kind of smartness may come from his "stupidity". He will hardly make repeated mistakes. They are all "solvable", so his execution ability in correcting mistakes is terrifying. It is precisely because he feels stupid that he will not let go of any points that can be scored.

    This is also the reason why he was able to quickly improve his score to 500 points after two months of enrollment. As for the higher ones, it is because his understanding of important and difficult points is not very good for the time being. But the old man's make-up course process is helping him solve this problem.

    For ordinary people, a base score of 500 points plus 90 points for bonus items is enough to go to a fairly good university, but it is very strange that Yunqiu still wants to go to Star University.

    Even though it was no longer a condition of their divorce, he still wanted to go.

    When Xiao Wenshui came over, he saw him standing alone under the street lamp reading a book, looking serious and obedient. Pedestrians passing by all looked sideways, thinking he was good-looking, but Yun Qiu didn't realize it.

    When his car drove over, Yunqiu raised his eyes, as if he heard the sound of tires.

    Xiao Wenshui lowered the car window and called Yunqiu's name, Yunqiu put down his book and got in, and sat in the co-pilot's seat. He lowered his head to put the book into his backpack, and heard Xiao Wenshui ask, "Are you hungry? Would you like some food?"

    Yun Qiu shook his head. He had eaten the staff meal in the milk tea shop - a large portion of fried rice brought to him by the proprietress. He didn't finish it, and wanted to take it home to continue eating. Two cups of milk tea.

    After shaking his head, he suddenly realized that Xiao Wenshui might not have eaten.

    For some reason, he came up with this idea. After looking at Xiao Wenshui, he asked a little uncertainly: "Have you eaten? If not, I can warm it up for you at home. There is still food at home. Xiao Xiaolang, I want to eat too."

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