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Chapter Forty

    "You're ten minutes late, Xiao Wenshui." SUSAN opened the car door, glanced at the school hospital floor meaningfully, and sighed deliberately, "After all, a hero is sad for a beauty, and Mr. Xiao also indulges in sex sometimes. Isn't it?" The

    car was also driven by herself, an old car from the last century. She holds an international driver's license and likes to drive fast in her life. At this time, she took over the responsibility of being a driver.

    Xiao Wenshui opened the car door and sat on it. After looking at the window glass, she heard her say, "Don't worry, the material is reinforced, and laser guns can't penetrate it. I heard about your accident last time, so I won't take it." Your life is a joke. There will not be any AI loading and monitoring equipment on the car. Apart from you and me, no third person will know about your illness. But logically speaking, since you can’t keep it, you shouldn’t be afraid of death Right."

    "Everyone is afraid of death, this is engraved in the genes." Xiao Wenshui remained calm, "However, we are also in the process of finding the death fear gene. He intended to cooperate with us, but was rejected by us."

    SUSAN gave a "tsk", started the vehicle, and threw him a map: "The maximum speed is around the outer ring of the Alliance Star City, this time is enough time for me to finish the treatment plan with you Yes. According to your needs, I will provide analgesia and delay time to the greatest extent, and besides the special drug, I will also design a matching plan. I need you to add a medical room in your iron-walled office."

    "Understood, I Arrange someone to do it." Xiao Wenshui said, "How long will I follow this plan?"

    "It's hard to say, I have formulated several plans and tested them on cancer mice. The said effect is indeed very good, but I don’t know how long it will be effective.” Susan pondered for a moment, and then said, “Your prediction algorithm calculates that it is one year, and now that you have special medicine in advance, I think you can use it later. Push it to a year and a half or even two years. More time means more possible matching ranges, and you might not have to die."

    Xiao Wenshui chuckled: "You can't find a matching type. If ordinary people are okay, gender doesn't affect matching. When there is only alpha matching, even if the donor's matching points are all right, even if the donor has the lowest metabolic rate. Under normal circumstances, the cell activity of common beta donors is far behind that of alpha cells, and the donor cells will be eliminated by the body as apoptotic cells, with a success rate of 0. In other words, bone marrow transplantation can only It can be carried out between alphas. From this year to next year, the number of alphas in the entire league will not exceed a thousand, even if we wait another hundred years, if there is no match, there will be no match, and there is no point in lingering for so long."

    "I know." Susan suddenly stopped, parked the car on the beach under the sky bridge, turned to look at Xiao Wenshui, "Have you never thought about having a child?"

    Xiao Wenshui was slightly startled.

    Susan said: "Let me say something irresponsible. There are many Omegas in the league who are willing to give birth to you. What does it matter if you mark them all? It's not like you can't afford child support, 50% The probability of giving birth to A or O, the child's umbilical cord blood is 100% semi-compatible with you, and as long as you survive the rejection period, you will be saved."

    Xiao Wenshui thought for a while, and then said: "You are quite scum, Susan , How many girlfriends and boyfriends have you dumped?"

    Susan: "..."

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