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Chapter 97

    Yunqiu has a fever again.

    Ever since he reconciled with Xiao Wenshui, he hasn't had a fever for a long time. He was exercising, and at the same time, his mind became more open and clear, and even the slightest cold was gone. But after today, the out-of-control pain and low resistance that belonged to autistic patients, which had tortured him for more than ten years, seemed to return to him silently.

    That night he had nightmares, full of cats with corrupted, empty eyes. Together with Xiao Wenshui and Xiao Xiaolang, he found it on the grass, and just when he was about to pick it up, the kitten in his hand snapped and broke, and its head rolled down his body, which was creepy. He screamed in his dream, threw himself into Xiao Wenshui's arms and shivered. Xiao Wenshui took his hand and led him home. But the home he took him to was not known to Yunqiu, but a hillside, wasteland, which he didn't know.

    Xiao Wenshui said: "Here we are, Qiuqiu."

    But his hand was empty, and after a glance, Xiao Wenshui didn't know when he had passed away from him, and the wasteland in front of him suddenly changed its appearance, turning into layers of piles. The tomb of the dead, the faint will-o'-the-wisp erratic in front of my eyes.

    There are no such dense and gloomy cemeteries in the alliance. Now people put ashes on the space station and send the remains to space. Yunqiu's dream extracted the horror elements from all the external images he had accepted, patched them together, and endowed the dream with a unique logic. He instinctively knew that this was a terrible dream, but he couldn't wake up for a long time. In the half-dream, he heard Xiao Xiaolang's barking, and even felt Xiao Xiaolang put his nose by his hand and passed it through his armpit. She wanted to pull his arm to wake him up, but Yun Qiu was still in a drowsy sleep.     It wasn't until the robot buzzed over, issued a red high fever warning and gave him an injection, that Yunqiu shivered suddenly, and opened his eyes with cold sweat.     The robot was giving him an infusion, and it was buzzing on the word prompter: "You have a fever, you have a fever, little glutton, you have a fever, be good."     Yunqiu's headache seemed to burst, and the high fever made him Tears were streaming from the corners of his eyes, but he didn't even know why he was crying.

    The mobile phone was ding-ding-dong-dong-dong-dong-dong thinking about it, Yun Qiu reluctantly rolled over on the bed, and tried to get the mobile phone over. His bones were tight, his skin was aching, and when the screen of his mobile phone turned on, his eyes stinged for a while, and it took him a long time to see the words clearly.

    It was a text message from Xiao Wenshui.

    [Xiao: Trumpet flower, you didn't send me a message today, where did you go to play again? ]

    The news was three hours ago.

    Yunqiu hurriedly replied: [It's not that I didn't send you a message, it's because I have a fever and I'm sick, and the robot is taking care of me. 】

    It is night now, it is almost twelve o'clock, when Xiao Wenshui is hospitalized, he usually sleeps at this time. He should have sent him a message before going to bed.

    However, Yunqiu didn't expect Xiao Wenshui to reply quickly:【Fever again? Tomorrow I will call the doctor to see you, take medicine first at home, and rest well. Did you check your temperature? ]

    Just at this time, the robot took his body temperature and reported the number: "38.7, the ice packs at home are used up, you can choose a physical cooling method, little greedy ghost, should you use the ice cake you haven't finished eating, or use your The popsicles you bought in summer?"

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