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Chapter Eight

    The result of Yunqiu going to bed too early was that he woke up too early.

    When it was dark in the middle of the night, Yun Qiu woke up. He lay there for a while, feeling a little hungry because he hadn't eaten his supper, and a little frightened because it was so dark around him.

    Late at night without lights, he turned his head to look at the narrow window in the bathroom, and only saw the dark night from inside, and he didn't know when it was.

    Yunqiu waited for a while, and finally decided to get up.

    This child has been in his own closed world for a long time, and sometimes he doesn't pay attention to others. At this moment, Yunqiu had no idea that Xiao Wenshui was sleeping next to him, so he just turned on all the headlights next to the bedside table.

    The room suddenly lit up.

    Only at this moment did Yun Qiu find Xiao Wenshui sleeping next to him, and he was startled. Afraid of waking him up, he hastily turned off the light with a snap.

    But he was unwilling to close it, and was still afraid. If he wanted to go through the door to find food in the restaurant, he had to walk for a while in the dark.

    Yunqiu thought about it for a while, then turned on the light with a crackling sound—anyway, Xiao Wenshui didn't wake up even after turning it on and off just once.

    Yunqiu straightened up, turned his head to look at Xiao Wenshui, observed for a while, and confirmed the matter.

    At the same time, he also discovered Xiao Wenshui's mistake: he didn't sleep with his back to him this time, but with his face facing him. This violated the two of them's tacit mutual non-interference and non-influence that lasted for more than ten days, which made Yunqiu feel a little anxious.

    Yun Qiu groaned for a long time, originally wanted to get out of bed to find something to eat, but he felt obsessive-compulsive and disliked Xiao Wenshui.

    In the end, he hugged his little bear tightly and bravely crawled to Xiao Wenshui's side.

    Then he reached out and pushed Xiao Wenshui's shoulder, trying to turn him over - after Xiao Wenshui fell asleep, he didn't look as indifferent as he was usually, which also made Yunqiu feel a little relieved. Even though Xiao Wenshui was still a bit heavy for Yunqiu, he took a lot of effort to turn Xiao Wenshui over, and now he felt satisfied.

    With this push and squeeze, the quilt on Xiao Wenshui's body was also torn off by Yunqiu. Yun Qiu didn't care so much, only saw Xiao Wenshui returned to the same posture as before with his back to him, so he happily got off the bed, pushed the door and went out.

    He slipped away and turned on the light outside, then went to the kitchen, found a few small cakes in the refrigerator, and sat down to eat slowly.

    The sweeping robot found him, buzzed over and swayed beside him, and the electronic voice chirped: "Which little glutton is secretly eating snacks again? Which little glutton is secretly eating snacks?"

    This is still the doctor's words. Recorded for him.

    Yunqiu seriously argued with the robot: "I didn't steal snacks, I didn't eat dinner, this is my dinner." The

    robot continued to babble on this sentence unrelentingly. Yunqiu quarreled with it for a while, and finally declared victory by turning off the power of the robot.

    After Yunqiu finished eating the small cake, he suddenly remembered the crystal ball that Xiao Xunqiu gave him during the day.

    When everyone was sleeping, in Yunqiu's eyes, it was as if no one was at home, and he immediately became a bully. He walked into the living room, first looked at the place Xiao Xunqiu had told him during the day, and saw that the crystal ball was not on the sofa, feeling a little puzzled.

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