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Chapter Thirty-eight

    They stayed in the medical room for two hours.

    Yunqiu is a child full of energy, especially in the morning, he closed his eyes and tried hard to fall asleep, and stayed up half asleep for more than 20 minutes, but became more awake.

    But he felt that Xiao Wenshui was asleep, so he didn't move around, just stretched out his fingertips, and drew imaginary pictures under Xiao Wenshui's neckline. After drawing the bird and the duckling, observe the embroidery thread on Xiao Wenshui's shirt. There is a word "Xiao" on the place turned over under the neckline.

    Yunqiu has such an advantage that he can concentrate on whatever he does, and if he is given a pen, he can play for a whole day without a break.

    The air conditioner was turned on in the medical room, and the air conditioner was a bit thin, with the smell of disinfectant. This sleeping embrace also seemed warmer because of this. Yunqiu nestled against his chest and waited quietly for two hours before Xiao Wenshui woke up leisurely.

    "What are you playing?" Yun Qiu heard Xiao Wenshui's still sleepy voice from above his head.

    He told him solemnly, with the intention of complaining: "You have been sleeping for a long time, big brother. The doctor said that you can only sleep for one hour in the afternoon nap, but you have slept for five hours, and I will put it on your clothes." I finished drawing a zoo."

    Xiao Wenshui was very calm this time, still in the posture of holding him in his arms, he groped down the waist and legs of the child in his arms, and took out a white super The thin foldable phone, I glanced at the time, it was less than eleven o'clock in the morning.

    Yunqiu continued to complain: "You have your own mobile phone, don't take mine. Also, you should get up, don't stay in bed, big brother."

    Sometimes his voice is lowered, and his speech becomes soft and sticky , which sounded like a baby animal bleating.

    Xiao Wenshui smiled sullenly, but still didn't move, he held him as usual, and asked him: " Yunqiu , do you know that the two of us slept here for two hours, what would others think we were doing?" Looking at him blankly, he repeated to him: "What do you think we are doing?"

    Xiao Wenshui looked at him and smiled. Yunqiu looked at him puzzled for a while, then pawed at him, and suddenly smelled the pheromone breath from Xiao Wenshui's body.

    He suddenly understood: "Big Brother, do people think we are here, doing things like giving birth?"

    Xiao Wenshui said "Yes".

    Yunqiu was a little shy. He buried himself in the quilt and whispered, "Then everyone knows that we are having a baby, is that so?"

    "What do you mean by 'giving birth'? Yunqiu, we are not having a baby." Xiao Wenshui smiled, his voice was still very calm, "Yes, we all know, what should we do?"

    Yunqiu was stumped by this question, he murmured, "This matter has been known, it seems not very Well, because we don’t wear clothes when we do this, but we can also tell them that we are not without clothes.”

    Xiao Wenshui began to unbutton his clothes slowly: “What’s the trouble, we’re getting married Everyone can do this, Yunqiu, what did the documentary say?"

    Yunqiu obediently began to recall: "Sex is not something to be ashamed of. As an Omega of a sexual minority, you should pay more attention to your body's needs..." He memorized the lines in the documentary, and he also used that kind of expression when retelling. The accent of the word is correct.

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